World of Art, School for Curatorial Practices and Critical Writing, 1997–2017
Head of the programme: Tia Čiček in Lara Plavčak (2022−), Miha Kelemina (2016−2022), Simona Žvanut (2015−2016), Saša (Glavan) Nabergoj (1998−2015); exept: Alenka Pirman (1997), Petja Grafenauer (2008−2009), Urša Jurman (2005−2006)
Coordinators and associates: Lara Plavčak (2019−2022), Asta Vrečko (2018−2020), Jasna Jernejšek (2018−2019), Lara Plavčak (2016−2018), Miha Kelemina (2015−2016), Simona Žvanut (2011−2015), Sonja Zavrtanik (2009−2011), Maja Lozić (2007−2008), Tevž Logar (2004−2006), Toni Poljanec (2003−2004), Jani Pirnat (2002−2003), Saša (Glavan) Nabergoj (1997)
YEAR 16: 2017/18
Head: Miha Kelemina
Coordinator: Lara Plavčak
Tutors: Miran Mohar, Alenka Gregorič
Participants: Urška Aplinc, Živa Brglez, Maja Burja, Anabel Černohorski, Magdalena Germek, Anja Guid, Nika Ham, Ajda Ana Kocutar, Iza Pevec, Adrijan Praznik, Nina Tepeš
- Alenka Priman: Art System. An Insight
- Rebeka Vidrih: Establishing of Modernist Art-Historical Narrative and Historical Avant-garde
- Vesna Čopič: Cultural Policy and the Status of Artist
- Asta Vrečko: Art System in Slovenia – A Walk Through 20th Century
- Saša Nabergoj: Curatorial Practices. A Brief Historical Overview
- Simona Žvanut: Museum of Contemporary Art: Institution and Architecture
- Barbara Borčić: Art Discourses
- Andrej Pezelj: Art and Fictions of Subversion
- Petja Grafenauer: Close Reading Workshop
- Miha Kelemina: Seminar Art Criticism
- Barbara Borčić: Seminar Analysis of Artwork
- Research collective ŠUM: Kaja Kraner, Tjaša Pogačar, Izidor Barši, Andrej Škufca: Alternative Organizing and Survival Strategies in Contemporary Art
- Jana Intihar Ferjan and Teja Merhar: Documentation
- Dušan Dovč: Map of Tenders and Calls
- Ines Kežman (Motovila Centre): EU Financing Programmes (From European Culture Financing Policies to Tender Documents)
- Dušan Dovč: Producer in Contemporary Art
- Module: Sponsorship Management
- Module: Public Relations for a Contemporary Art Exhibition
- Dušan Dovč: Producer in Contemporary Art
- Barbara Borčić: A Catalogue. Editor’s View
1st YEAR
- Vladimir Vidmar: Curatorial Research
- Assisting with Contemporary Art Exhibitions
- Miha Kelemina, Lara Plavčak: Studio Visits
- Miha Kelemina, Lara Plavčak: Curatorial Mapping
- Virtual Exhibitions
2nd YEAR
- Alenka Gregorič, Miran Mohar: Curatorial Course
- Modules on Practical Work of the Curator and Exhibition Planning
- Final Exhibition
Series of public lectures and workshops Practices and Approaches:
- Daniel Morgenthaler: Curating? Corating!
- Andrej Bereta: Curator vs Artist, workshop
- Andrej Bereta: Evaluation of an Exhibition, workshop
Final exhibition:
A Few Minutes Later.
(15 May – 7 June 2018, Galerija Škuc, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana)
Artist: Voranc Kumar
Curators: Urška Aplinc, Maja Burja, Anja Guid, Ajda Ana Kocutar, Iza Pevec, Adrijan Praznik
- Škuc Gallery
- Vodnikova domačija Gallery
- Academy of Fine Arts and Design
- Svet okoli nas – kritični pogledi v regiji s partnerji Kurziv, platforma za vprašanja kulture, medijev in družbe, Kulturtreger,, Kontrapunkt
- International Conference and Seminar on the Topic of Art Criticism in Skopje
- Who would(n’t) need criticism?

YEAR 15: 2014/2016
Head: Saša Nabergoj (2014 – August 2015), Simona Žvanut (August 2015 – June 2016)
Coordinator: Simona Žvanut (2014 – August 2015), Miha Kelemina (August 2015 – June 2016)
Tutors: Miran Mohar, Alenka Gregorič
Participants: Petra Bole, Jerko Gluščević, Nina Jesih, Zala Kurinčič, Maruša Meglič, Lili Anamarija No, Domen Ograjenšek, Hana Ostan Ožbolt, Aljaž Plos, Miha Poljak, Mojca Sfiligoj, Katarina Stopar
- Barbara Borčić: Video as a tool and strategy of artistic expression.
- Rebeka Vidrih: Art XX. Century. Chapters.
- Saša Nabergoj: Art XX. Century. Chapters.
- Saša Nabergoj: Dolce far Niente: The Praise of Laziness
- Saša Nabergoj: Seminar on Writing About Contemporary Art
- Barbara Borčić: Seminar on Writing About Contemporary Art
- Andrej Pezelj: Emancipation in the field of art discourses
- Barbara Borčić: Interpretation – Analysis of a Work of Art
(schedule, workshop tutors)
- Suzana Milevska: The Troubled Relation Between Theory and Curatorial Practice
- Elke Krasny: Unplanned History – Writing It Down/Writing It Up as a Critical Curatorial Practice
- Jayme McLellan: Different models of support for emerging art and artists in the U.S./D.C.
- Paul O’Neill: Did Somebody Say Curating, Again? Recent Turns in Curatorial Practice
- Study excursion to Celje, 10 november, 2014
- Study excursion to Gorizia, 16 january, 2014
- study excursion to Pivka, Hiša kulture Gallery, 13 february, 2015
Modules on Practical Curatorial Work:
- Dušan Dovč: Producer in Contemporary Art (in Slovene only)
- Vesna Stanić: Sponsorships Management
- Špela Polak: Public Relations for a Contemporary Art Exhibition
- Dušan Dovč: Fundraising and Financial Plan (in Slovene only)
- Jana Intihar Ferjan and Teja Merhar: Documentation (in Slovene only)
- Miha Kelemina: Technical Plan (in Slovene only)
- Barbara Borčić: A catalogue. Editor’s view
Final Exhibition: Personal (26 May – 15 July 2016, Škuc Gallery, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana)
Artists: Boris Beja, Živa Božičnik Rebec, Nina Čelhar, Neža Knez, Maruša Meglič, Tejka Pezdirc, Pila Rusjan and Dejan Štefančič
Reflections and Premises in Contemporary Art, Art Theory and Art History, 2014
Series of public lectures
(schedule, lecturers)
- Suzana Milevska: The Troubled Relation Between Theory and Curatorial Practice
- Elke Krasny: Unplanned History – Writing It Down/Writing It Up as a Critical Curatorial Practice
- Jayme McLellan: Different models of support for emerging art and artists in the U.S./D.C.
- Paul O’Neill: Did Somebody Say Curating, Again? Recent Turns in Curatorial Practice
- Piotr Piotrowski: The Global NETwork. Approaching Comparative Art History
Klara Kemp-Welch: Continuity and Rupture / Networking and Collaboration from the 70s to the 00s
How Critical Is The Condition of Critical Writing?, 2015
Series of public lectures
(schedule, lecturers)
- Boris Buden: Art and Critique in Curating the Past, lecture
- Boris Buden: A conversation with Boris Buden upon the occasion of the Slovene translation of the Zone des Übergangs: Vom Ende des Postkommunismus
- Lina Džuverović: Words Are People.* Text As Art And Art As Text
- Jelena Vesić: Critique in/or Crisis
- Jennifer Allen: The Work of Art Criticism in the Digital Era
- Edit András: Tirnica kritike v času postsocialističnega nacionalizma – Primer Madžarska
How Critical Is The Condition of Critical Writing?, 2016
Series of public lectures
(schedule, lecturers)
- Thijs Lijster: The Crisis of Criticism
- Thijs Lijster: Towards an “Espacement” of Criticism
- Ekaterina Degot: When Everybody is Critical, but Nobody is a Critic
- Maja Breznik: Presenting the Analysis “Where Has Fine-Art Criticism Gone?”
- Izidor Barši & Kaja Kraner (ŠUM): Discourses Accompanying Art
- Antonija Letinić: What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Criticism?
- Fouad Asfour: Unlearning Art Writing
- Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory
- Škuc Gallery
- Curating–In–Depth Project with Planting Rice and Kurziv
- School of Arts University of Nova Gorica
- Bard Centre for Curatorial Studies, New York
- Department of Art History, The Faculty of Arts
- Umetnostna galerija Maribor
Exhibition & research projects
Borga Kantürk: Memory Research Office:
Exhibition and guided tour
(Škuc Gallery, 8–22 May 2015)
Curators: Saša Nabergoj, Simona Žvanut
Assistants: the students of the 15th year of the World of Art School: Petra Bole, Jerko Gluščević, Nina Jesih, Zala Kurinčič, Maruša Meglič, Hana Ostan Ožbolt, Aljaž Plos, Miha Poljak, Mojca Sfiligoj
Organization: World of Art (SCCA-Ljubljana) and Škuc Gallery
Exhibition & research projects
Day by Day
Exhibition and guided tour
(Škuc Gallery, 12 December 2014–9 January 2015)
Artists: Bariş B. Atal (Turkey), Avgust Černigoj, Beli sladoled / White ice cream (Miha Perne & Leon Zuodar), Neža Jurman, Miha Perne, Leon Zuodar (Slovenia)Curators: Saša Nabergoj, Simona Žvanut
Assistants: Nina Jesih, Zala Kurinčič
Organization: World of Art (SCCA-Ljubljana) and Škuc Gallery
Exhibition & research projects
The Closing Stop
Overview of visual art scene in ACC Metelkova City
(ACC Metelkova City, various venues, 10 September–9 October, 2013)
Participants: Rok Barborič, Mizzart, Belatehnika & Beladona, Iskra Beličanska, Matej Bizovičar, Edvin Dobrilovič, Tina Drčar, Boštjan Drinovec, Luka Drinovec, Anna Ehrlemark, Mitja Ficko, Tomaž Furlan, Meta Kastelic, Neven Korda, Borut Korošec, Marko A. Kovačič, Damijan Kracina, Vladimir Leben, Miroslav Matek, Goran Medjugorac, Silvo Metelko, Jaka Mihelič, Rajko Miladić, Rok Mohar, Boštjan Novak, Miha Perne, Miran Pešič Pešo, Andrej Pezelj, Dejan Pfeifer Stripi, Nataša Tajnik, Terrah, Urša Toman, Uroš Weinberger
Curatorial team: Ana Grobler, Sebastian Krawczyk, Saša Nabergoj, Jadranka Plut, Simona Žvanut
Assistants: Anabel Černohorski, Miha Kelemina
Organization: World of Art (SCCA-Ljubljana) and Alkatraz Gallery

YEAR 14: 2011/13
Head: Saša Nabergoj
Asistant: Simona Žvanut
Tutors: Miran Mohar, Nevenka Šivavec
Participants: Maja Alibegović, Maja Antončič, Lenka Đorojević, Jasna Jernejšek, Miha Kelemina, Darija Kovačič, Nina Skumavc, Nina Sotelšek, Denis Volk
- Barbara Borčić: Video as a tool and strategy of artistic expression. Selected examples
- Saša Nabergoj and Rebeka Vidrih: Art of the XXth. Century. Chapters
Seminar Introduction in Theory:
- Close reading workshop:
- Workshops on Writing about Contemporary Art:
- Miško Šuvaković: Theory and Practice of Art Criticism / Art and Politics: Contemporary Aesthetics, Philosophy, Theory and Art in the Era of Global Transition
- Branislav Dimitrijević: Interpreting and Situating Contemporary Art: Observation, Participation, Motivation, Research and Empathy
- Petja Grafenauer: Workshop on Writing About Experimental Research and Exhibition Project “Video Turn”
- Krakow (7.–11. november 2011); author of the programme: Postgraduate Museological Curatorial Studies at University Jagiellonski Krakow (Wojciech Szymanski)
- Graz (22. december 2011)
- Zürich (18.–21. april 2012); author of the programme: Postgraduate Curatorial Studies of Institute Cultural Studies in the Arts at Zürich Art University (Dorothee Richter, Dimitrina Sevova)
Curatorial Course
Practical curatorial work:
- Public relations for a contemporary art exhibition
- Barbara Borčić: A catalogue. Editor’s view
- Jana Intihar Ferjan: Documentation
- Dušan Dovč: Fundraising
Series of public lectures on curatorial and institutional practice:
(Schedule, Lecturers)
- Sønke Gau in Katharina Schlieben: Work to do! Or Caught between two stools: Questioning Production Conditions …
- Petra Kapš: Lethe or Mnemosyne for the fu-(ture), OR as omnipresent trinity: poiesis, techné, parrhesia
- Dorothee Richter: Artists and Curators as Authors – Competitors, Collaborators, or Teamworkers? (opening lecture of exhibition Print!)
- Andrzej Szczerski: Curating and the importance of artwork
- Igor Zabel: Contemporary Art Theory: Book presentation and discussion
- Erik Hagoort: Diagonal Reciprocity. Thinking About Art Practices of Encounter
- Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez: Situated artistic research and self-reflexive residency programmes
- Schedule (Year 1, Year 2)
- Seminar Studio visit (Tevž Logar)
- Visits to exhibitions
- Collaboration
- Team
- Support
Years 7–14, 2012
Exhibition: 4. 4. (4. april–5. maj 2013, Galerija Škuc, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana)
Artists: Vid Avdič Batista, Mirjana Batinić, Simon Hudolin Salči (SBD), Neža Jurman, Gal Košnik, Tejka Pezdirc, Tjaša Pogačar Podgornik, Nika Rupnik, Matej Stupica, Andrej Škufca, Tadej Vaukman, Staš Vrenko
Curators: Maja Alibegović, Maja Antončič, Lenka Đorojević, Jasna Jernejšek, Miha Kelemina, Nina Skumavc, Denis Volk
About the exhibition 4. 4.
4. 4. in pictures
4. 4. Exhibition catalogue
Exhibition & research projects
A Mid-Stop
Overview of visual art scene in ACC Metelkova City
(ACC Metelkova City, various venues, 6.–25. 9. 2012)
Participants: Rok Barborič, Iskra Beličanska, Matej Bizovičar, Edvin Dobrilovič, Tina Drčar, Boštjan Drinovec, Mitja Ficko, Tomaž Furlan, Jernej Kaluža, Meta Kastelic, Neven Korda, Marko A. Kovačič, Damijan Kracina & Vladimir Leben, Mirč Matek, Jaka Mihelič, Rajko Miladić, Rok Mohar, Boštjan Novak, Dejan Pfeifer – Stripi, Miha Perne, Miran Pešič, Belatehnika & Beladona, Terrah, Uroš Weinberger, Mizanthrope Tonfilm, Nataša SerecCurators: Saša Nabergoj and Jadranka Plut
Assistants: Ana Grobler, Sebastijan Krawczyk, Simona Žvanut
Organization: World of Art (SCCA-Ljubljana) and Alkatraz Gallery
Exhibition & research projects
Exhibition of Editions – Ready to Print 13 (16 x A4) = A0 x 13
(International Centre of Graphic Arts, 15.–25. 3. 2012)
Artists: Brigit Brenner, Dani Gal, Guerilla Girls, Clare Kenny, Lucie Kolb, Monochrom, Ana Roldán, Shirana Shahbazi, Riikka TauriainenPrepared by: Saša Nabergoj
Assistents: Miha Kelemina, Simona Žvanut
Exhibition & research projects
Tomislav Brajnović: Expedition_Ego
(Alkatraz Gallery, 27. 10.–12. 11. 2010)
Curated by: Saša Nabergoj, Sonja Zavrtanik

YEAR 13: 2010/11
Head: Saša Nabergoj
Asistant: Sonja Zavrtanik
Tutors: Nevenka Šivavec, Jože Barši
Participants: Žiga Dobnikar, Helena Grahek, Ana Grobler, Iva Kovač, Sebastian Krawczyk, Špela Pavli, Lara Plavčak, Vladimir Vidmar, Yasmín Martín Vodopivec, Asta Vrečko, Mojca Založnik
- Barbara Borčić: Video as a tool and strategy of artistic expression. Selected examples
- Saša Nabergoj in Rebeka Vidrih: Art XX. Century. Chapters
- Alenka Pirman: Art system. Review
Close reading workshop:
A module on practical curatorial work:
- Metka Dariš: Catalogue: view of the designer
- Dušan Dovč in Dea Vidović: Fundraising
- Jana Intihar Ferjan: Documentation
- Bojana Leskovar: Public relations
- Branka Stipančić: Catalogue: view of the editor
- Rijeka (10.–12. 9. 2010), Celje (September 2010)
- Maribor (November 2010)
- Vienna (8.–11. 12. 2010); authors of the programme: ECM, Postgraduate in educating, curating and managing studies at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (Luiza Ziaja)
Series of Lectures on Curatorial and Institutional Practices:
(Schedule, Lecturers)
- Pau Cata: An artist at the CeRCCa Residency. An auto-ethnographic perspective
- Nora Sternfeld & Luisa Ziaja: What comes after the show? On post-representational curating
- Joa Ljungberg & Edi Muka: Dreams, Failures and Achievements – Navigating through an institutional desert
- Maria Hlavajova: Negotiating Social and Political Urgencies in the Field of Artistic Practice:
BAK, basis voor actuele kunst as a Case Study
Workshops in Writing:
(Schedule, Tutors)
- Petja Grafenauer: Writing a text about an exhibition of contemporary art
- Suzana Milevska: Text for the catalogue
- Miško Šuvaković: Theory and practice of art criticism
- Timetable (Year 1, Year 2)
- Visits to exhibitions
- Studio visits
- Research assignments
- Practice
- Team
- Support
- Partners
Years 7–14, 2012
Exhibition: Quarter to Two (Alkatraz Gallery, 13. 4.–6. 5. 2011)
Artist: Tadej Pogačar
Curators also collaborated with Tadej Pogačar on the occasion of his solo exhibition Tadej Pogačar. 1990 – 2011 in Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina in Novi Sad.
Exhibition & documentation project
Around the world of art in 4.380 days, World of Art 1997-2009
(Alkatraz Gallery, 30. 10.−20. 11. 2009)
Artists: Lada Cerar & Sašo Sedlaček, Alen Floričić, Marko A. Kovačič, Tanja Lažetić & Dejan Habicht, Ivan Marušić Klif
Curator: Saša Nabergoj
Assistant: Sonja Zavrtanik
Accompanying programme: Marko A. Kovačič: Sub-auction
(Photos, Video esssay)

YEAR 12: 2008/09
Laboratorium of Curatorial Practices
Head: Saša Nabergoj
Head: Petja Grafenauer Krnc (september 2008–september 2009)
Assistant: Sonja Zavrtanik
Series of Lectures on Curatorial and Institutional Practices:
- Angela Harutyunyan: Coming to You Not to Be With You
- Branislav Dimitrijević: Everything Is Gonna Be: Katarina Zdjelar and Zoran Todorović at The 53rd Biennale Di Venezia
- Suzana Milevska: Negotiations: Curatorial practice in the period of globalisation
- Eda Čufer: Occupation dramaturge, curator, editor
- Angela Harutyunyan: Interstices of History: Collective Writing and/as Curating
Workshops in Writing:
(Schedule, Tutors)
- Zemira Alajbegović & Neven Korda: Video Essay
- Branislav Dimitrijević: Interpreting and Situating Contemporary Art: Observation, Participation, Motivation, Research and Empathy
- Miško Šuvaković: Theory and Practice of Contemporary Art
- Ženja Leiler: Newspaper article and criticism
- Petja Grafenauer: How to write a text on an exhibition of contemporary art? (From a description to a context)
- Angela Harutyunyan: Techniques of Viewing: Representation and Interpretation of Video Art
- Suzana Milevska: Curator as a Translator of Theory into Practice
Video Essays:
- DIVA Station in Škuc Gallery (Nika Grabar)
- Suzana Milevska: Curator as a Translator of Theory into Practice (Michele Drascek, Metka Kralj)
- From Elsewhere: Symposium on the State of Curatorial Practices in Armenia, Kazakhstan, Egypt and Turkey
Participants: Barbara Borčić, Laura Calderera, Petja Grafenauer, Angela Harutyunyan, Valeria Ibraeva, Nazareth Karoyan, Renata Papsch - 4th Summer Seminar For Contemporary Art Curators (27 July-2 August, 2009, Yerevan, Armenia)
- SCCA programs and World of Art at the Symposium on curatorial programs (16 and 17 September, 2009, Bergen National Academy of the Arts, Norway)
Years 7–14, 2012

YEAR 11: 2007/08
Head: Saša Nabergoj
Asistant: Maja Lozić
Laboratorium of Curatorial Practices
Tutors: Petja Grafenauer Krnc, Saša Nabergoj
Participants: Nataša Bodrožić, Petra Milič, Teja Rot, Jernej Škof, Vanja Žanko
Study excursions:
- Labin (9.– 11. 5. 2008)
- Celje (May 2008)
- Poreč (29.–31. 8. 2008)
Workshops in Writing:
Tutors: Miško Šuvaković, Igor Zabel
Participants: Sandra Belšak, Petra Kapš, Sandra Sajovic, Nataša Skušek, Jasmina Založnik, Jaka Železnikar
Series of Lectures on Curatorial and Institutional Practices:
- Manray Hsu: Informal Politics and Contemporary Arts
- Suzana Milevska: Curator as a Translator
- Julian Stallabrass: Art Incorporated: Contemporary Art in a Neoliberal Climate
Workshops in Writing:
(Schedule, Tutors)
- Zemira Alajbegović & Neven Korda: Video Essay
- Eda Čufer: Interview as a Tool for conceptualization
- Suzana Milevska: Collaborative Curating
- Miško Šuvaković: Comparative Theory and History of Art: Analysis
Video Essay:
- Google Tourist (Urša Bonneli Potokar, Tatjana Horvat)
- Schedule 2007/08
- Team
- Presentation of Mircea Nicolae, visiting artist of Laboratorium’s final project Destination: Metelkova
Years 7–14, 2012
Exhibition: Google Tourist (Alkatraz Gallery, 7. 6.−19. 7. 2008)
Artist: Mircea Nicolae

YEAR 10: 2006/07
Head: Saša Nabergoj
Asistant: Tevž Logar
Laboratorium of Curatorial Practices
Participants: Ivana Bago, Monika Ivančič Fajfar, Petja Grafenauer Krnc, Petra Kapš, Vasja Nagy, Mojca Puncer, Jaka Železnikar
Panel discussions:
- Curatorial Practices in Slovenia: History of Curatorship
Moderated by: Petja Grafenauer Krnc
Participants: Zdenka Badovinac, Aleksander Bassin, Barbara Borčić, Tomaž Brejc) - Curatorial Practices in Slovenia: The Variety of Curatorial Practices Today Moderated by: Petja Grafenauer Krnc
Participants: Jurij Krpan, Gregor Podnar, Tadej Pogačar, Nevenka Šivavec
Study excursions:
- Koper (December 2006)
- Labin (January 2007)
- Celje (April 2007)
Seminar in Writting:
Tutors: Miško Šuvaković, Igor Zabel
Participants: Sandra Belšak, Petra Kapš, Sandra Sajovic, Nataša Skušek, Jasmina Založnik, Jaka Železnikar
Series of Lectures on Curatorial and Institutional Practices:
- Clémentine Deliss: Plan for a Mobile Faculty of Arts
- Angela Harutyunyan : Importing “Curator”: Politics of Representation and Recognition in Contemporary Armenian Art
Workshops in Writing:
(Schedule, Tutors)
- Zemira Alajbegović & Neven Korda: Video Essay
- Clémentine Deliss: Plan for a Mobile Faculty of Arts
- Ješa Denegri: Historicizing Contemporary Art
- Ženja Leiler: Newspaper & Magazine article and review
- Suzana Milevska: Catalogue text workshop
- Miško Šuvaković: Theory and Practice of Art Critique
Video Essay:
- LabSUs – Open Platform of Curators, Artists, Writers, Theoreticians (Špela Petrič, Dejan Žinko)
- Curatorial Translation, September 24-30, 2007, Skopje, Macedonia
- 2nd Summer Seminars for Art Curators came to an end (Between Exposition and Mediation), July 23-August 7, 2007, Yerevan, Armenia
- Final selection for Summer Seminars for Art Curators: Between Exposition and Mediation
- LabSUs blog (in Slovene)
- Texts by participants (in Croatian)
- Nine Years of the World of Art (Conversation, presentation and screenings)
- Program collaborators
Years 7–14, 2012
- LabSUs – Open Platform of Curators, Artists, Writers, Theoreticians (Škuc Gallery, 23.–29. 6. 2007)
- LabSUs, osebno/osobno/personal (City Gallery Labin, Croatia, 20. 10.−10. 11. 2007)
Artists: Tanja Dabo in Igor Grubić, Ksenija Čerče, Vuk Ćosić, Ištvan Išt Huzjan, Božena Končić Badurina, Marko Košnik, Simon Macuh, Robertina Šebjanič

YEAR 9: 2005/06
Head: Urška Jurman
Asistant:Tevž Logar
Cours for curators
Tutors: Alen Ožbolt, Nevenka Šivavec
Participants: Sandra Belšak, Nataša Berk, Janja Gojkovič, Maja Lozić, Irena Orel
Study excursions:
- Artcenter Središče (December 2005)
- Celje (February 2006)
- Slovenj Gradec (March 2006)
Seminar in Writing:
Tutors: Miško Šuvaković, Igor Zabel
Participants: Sandra Belšak, Petra Kapš, Sandra Sajovic, Nataša Skušek, Jasmina Založnik, Jaka Železnikar
- Mike Hentz: Performance … What does it mean?
- Zemira Alajbegović & Neven Korda: Video Essay
- Eda Čufer: Interview as a Tool for Conceptualisation
- Ješa Denegri: Historicizing Contemporary Art
- Mike Hentz: Different Aspects of Performance. Practical and Theoretical Exercises
- Miško Šuvaković: Construction of a Story of Modern Art and how to Conceptualise Critical Analysis
- Nadja Zgonik: Cataloguing Contemporaneity – A Text for a Catalogue
Video Essay:
- Open Rog (Nika Arhar, Miha Colner)
Years 7–14, 2012
Exhibitions: Open Rog (Rog Factory, 23. 6.−7. 7. 2006; Škuc Gallery, 23. 6.−19. 7. 2006)
Artists: Artgroup RGB (Žiga Pilih, Gregor Podržaj, Simon Svetlik), Zaš Brezar, Vlasta Delimar & Milan Božić, Blaž Erzetič, Irma Gnezda, Aleksandra Saška Gruden, Pavel Koltaj, Jure Legac, Mateja Peroša, Pila Rusjan, Bojan Salaj, Simon Svetlik, Robertina Šebjanič, Mojca Zlokarnik, Luka Prinčič & Saša Špacal, Antonio Živkovič

YEAR 8: 2004/05
Head: Saša Glavan
Asistant:Tevž Logar
Course for curators
Tutors: Alen Ožbolt, Nevenka Šivavec
Participants: Ivana Bago, Miha Colner, Ida Hiršenfelder, Monika Ivančič, Nina Kodrič, Mojca Manček, Tanja Pavlič
Study excursions:
- Artcenter Središče (December 2004)
- Celje (January 2005)
- Istria (May 2005)
- Zagreb (27.–29. 9. 2005)
Seminar in Writing:
Tutors: Miško Šuvaković, Igor Zabel
Participants: Sandra Belšak, Petra Kapš, Sandra Sajovic, Nataša Skušek, Jasmina Založnik, Jaka Železnikar
- Zemira Alajbegović & Neven Korda: Video Essay
- Eda Čufer: Interview
- Ješa Denegri: Historicizing Contemporary Art
- Ženja Leiler: Newspaper Critique
- Miško Šuvaković: Theory and Practice of Art Critique and Theory and Practice of Art Critique Part II
- Igor Zabel: Catalogue Text
Video Essays:
- Polona Tratnik: Hair (Sandra Belšak)
- Mojca Pelcar Šarf: The Sky above the City (Jaka Železnikar)
- Mladen Stilinović: Artists at Work (Tevž Logar)
Years 7–14, 2012
Exhibition: Pretty Dirty (Škuc Gallery, 24. 6.−22. 7. 2005)
Artists: Martin Bricelj, Lada Cerar, Damijan Kracina, Maja Licul in Metod Vidic mimikrija, Mirjam Marussig, Alenka Pirman, Tadej Pogačar, Sašo Sedlaček, Primož Seliškar, Alenka Spacal, Polona Tratnik, Tanja Vujinović in Zvonka Simčić
Exhibition catalogue: Pretty Dirty

YEAR 7: 2003/04
Head: Saša Glavan
Asistant: Toni Poljanec
Course for curators
Tutors: Tadej Pogačar, Nevenka Šivavec
Participants: Vesna Čadež, Petra Kapš, Tevž Logar, Alja Mravljak, Andrej Savelli, Jasmina Založnik, Špela Zidar
Study excursions:
- Artcenter Središče (December 2003), Celje (February 2004), Maribor (April 2004)
- Zagreb (11. 3.–14. 3. 2004); authors of the programme: WHW (Ivet Čurlin, Ana Dević, Nataša Ilić, Sabina Sabolović)
Seminar in Writing:
Tutors: Miško Šuvaković, Igor Zabel
Participants: Irena Čerčnik, Petja Grafenauer, Jani Pirnat, Mojca Puncer, Brigita Strnad, Andreja Milošič, Vasja Nagy, Eugen Vodopivec Borkovsky
- Zemira Alajbegović & Neven Korda: Video Essay
- Tomaž Brejc: Interpretation of an Art Work
- Boris Buden: Column
- Ješa Denegri: Historicizing Contemporary Art
- Miško Šuvaković: Theory and Practice of Art Critique
- Igor Zabel: Catalogue Text
- Ženja Leiler: Newspaper Critique
Video Essays:
- Ready to Change (Petja Grafenauer, Jani Pirnat, Brigita Strnad, Vasja Nagy)
- Our House Is A House that moves (Irena Čerčnik, Mojca Puncer, Andreja Milošič, Eugen Vodopivec Borkovsky)
Years 7–14, 2012
Exhibition: Between Fire and Art (Škuc Gallery, 23. 6.−24. 7. 2004)
Artists: Marina Abramović in Ulay, John Baldessari, Borut Hlupič, Željko Jerman

YEAR 6: 2002/03
Head: Saša Glavan
Asistant: Jani Pirnat
Course for curators
Tutors: Miran Mohar, Gregor Podnar
Participants: Mara Ambrožič, Nina Gregorič, Tolja Kanduč, Tomaž Kučer, Marko Pak, Luka Sinković
Study excursions:
- Vienna (27.–30. 3. 2003); author of the programme: Schnittpunkt (Christine Haupt-Stummer)
- Zagreb (21.–23. 5. 2003); authors of the programme: WHW (Ivet Čurlin, Ana Dević, Nataša Ilić, Sabina Sabolović)
Series of Lectures Strategies of Presentation III:
- Anne Cartel, David Dronet: Multimedia Cultural Centre Station Mir
- Daniel Jewesbury: Skopo
- Moreno Miorelli & Donatella Ruttar: Stazine di Topolo
- Tadej Pogačar: This Is What You Want … This Is What You Get
- Nevenka Šivavec: The Lure of the Local
- Škart Group (Djordje Balzamović – Žole): Pesme koje su pobegle
(With catalogues of exhibiotions Camera Lucida and Fade In Fade Out), Double edition, 2004
Exhibitions: Fade in / Fade out (Kapelica Gallery, 7.−24. 7. 2003; City Gallery Labin (Croatia, 10.–31. 10. 2003)
Artists: Vadim Fiškin, Alen Floričić, Sašo Vrabič

YEAR 5: 2001/02
Head: Saša Glavan
Course for curators
Tutors: Gregor Podnar, Tadej Pogačar
Participants: Dušan Dovč, Jasna Jakšić, Jani Pirnat, Anton Starc, Maša Tomadini, Jadranka Veljič, Jaka Železnikar
Study excursions:
- Vienna (21.–24. 2. 2002); author of the programme: Institut für Kulturwissenschaft (Christine Haupt-Stummer)
- Zagreb (27. 3.–1. 4. 2002); authors of the programme: WHW (Ana Dević, Nataša Ilić, Sabina Sabolović)
Series of Lectures Strategies of Presentation II:
- Boris Buden: Through Art Towards New Defeats: The Austrian Case
- Douglas Davis: Work of Art in the Era of Digital Reproduction
- Charles Esche: Possibility Forum – Institutional Change and Modest Proposals
- Ivana Keser: Author’s Newspaper. The Freedom of Misinformation
- Jurij Krpan: Kapelica Case
- Viktor Misiano: Strategies of Display from Modernisation toward De-modernisation
- WHW (Ana Dević, Nataša Ilić, Sabina Sabolović): In Between; Independence and the Lures of Institutionalisation
Workshops on Artistic and Critical Practice:
- Ivana Keser: Contemporary Community
- Miško Šuvaković: Theory of Critisism: Strategies and Tactics of Critical Writing I & II
(With catalogues of exhibiotions Camera Lucida and Fade In Fade Out), Double edition, 2004
Exhibition: Camera Lucida (Škuc Gallery, 20. 6.−14. 7. 2002)
Artists: Borislav Benažić, Uršula Berlot, Ivan Marušić Klif, Antun Motika, Goran Petercol, Dušan Tršar, Mirjana Vodopija, Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec

YEAR 4: 2000/01
Head: Saša Glavan
Course for Curators
Tutors: Gregor Podnar, Lilijana Stepančič, Igor Zabel
Participants: Alenka Gregorič, Pavla Jarc, Sandra Sajovic, Meta Trampuš, Sonja Zavrtanik, Simona Zorko
Panel Discussions:
- Art and Activism
Moderated by: Sandra Sajovic, Meta Trampuš
Participants: Marko Peljhan, Igor Zabel, Miha Zadnikar - Spaces of Culture: Metelkova mesto and Art Academies
Moderated by: Bogdan Lešnik
Participants: Bratko Bibič, Roman Lavtar, Elena Pečarič, Tomaž Trplan, Meta Hočevar, Bogoslav Kalaš
Study Excursions:
- Belgrade: 27. 3.–1. 4. 2001; authors of the programme: SCCA−Beograd (Branislav Dimitrijević), SCCA−Ljubljana (Saša Nabergoj), WHW
- Vienna: 1.–4. 3. 2001; author of the programme: Institut für Kulturwissenschaft (Christine Haupt-Stummer)
Series of Lectures Strategies of Presentation I:
- Clémentine Deliss: Metronom: Curatorial Practice and Research
- Branislav Dimitrijević: The Grand Compromise: On Examples of the Use of Political References in Serbian Art of the 90’s, and its Historical Background
- Marion von Osten, Peter Spillman, Susanna Perin: Eurovision 2000
- Mike Hentz: Translation
- Marko Košnik: Abstraction and Action
- Oliver Marchart: Political Strategies as Artistic Strategies: The Use of Multiple Names
- Olesya Turkina: St. Peterburg’s Neo-academism. Revival of the Great Story
- Miha Zadnikar: Reconstructing Subculture
Workshop on Artistic Practice:
- Charles Harrison, Patrizia Evans: Indexication
Exhibition: Media is a Weapon, Use It! (Škuc Gallery, 27. 6.−22. 7. 2001)
Artists: etoy, Institute for Applied Autonomy, Monochrom, Marko Peljhan, Pholks & more, ®tmark, Brian Springer

YEAR 3: 1999
Head: Saša Glavan
Course for Curators
Tutors: Alenka Pirman, Lilijana Stepančič, Igor Zabel
Participants: Katja Ceglar, Tanja Čajavec, Viktor Rebernak, Barbara Savenc, Polona Tratnik
Study excursions:
- Sarajevo: 17.–20. 3. 1999; author of the programme: SCCA−Sarajevo (Lejla Hodžić)
- Vienna: 20.–23. 5. 1999; author of the programme: Institut für Kulturwissenschaft (Christine Haupt-Stummer)
- Poland: 6.–12. 9. 1999; author of the programme: Stefan Batory Foundation Poland (Marek Tuszynski)
Series of Lectures Geopolitics and Art:
- Jaroslav Andel: Art’s Shifting Grounds: The Case of Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic
- Cǎlin Dan: Geography of Doom. An Estimate of Possibilities
- Charles Harrison: The Merits of Incompetence
- Edi Muka: Permanent Instability
- Marko Peljhan: Strategies of Minimal Resistance – Analysis of Tactical Work in the Surveillance Society
- Dušan Rutar: Aesthetics, Global Images and Ethics of New Tribalism
- IRWIN: Modernism – Three Exhibitions, Three Projects, Four Books
Anthology GEOPOLITCS AND ART, 1999
Exhibition: Posjetioci / Visitors (Škuc Gallery, 7.–28. 10. 1999)
Artists: Maja Bajević, Šejla Kamerić, Edin Numankadić, Sead Salihović, Alma Suljević, Nebojša Šerić Šoba in video produkcija SAGA & SCCA-Sarajevo (Nedžad Begović, Zlatko Lavantić, Miroslav Benković, Srđan Vuletić, Pjer Žalica, Vuk Janjić, Antonije Žalica, Zoja Bajbutović, Dejan Ćorić, Zlatan Filipović, Smail Kapetanović, Lejla Porobić, Alma Suljević, Nebojša Šerić Šoba, Muhidin Tvico, Dejan Vekić, Enes Zlatar, Jasmila Žbanić)

YEAR 2: 1997/1998
Head: Saša Glavan
Course for Curators
Tutors: Alenka Pirman, Lilijana Stepančič, Igor Zabel
Tutors of Slovak participants: Maria Hlavajová, Jana Oravcová
Tutor of Croatian participants: Branka Stipančić
Participants: Urška Jurman, Dunja Kukovec, Nataša Petrešin, Bojana Piškur, Metka Vrečar, Božidar Zrinski (Slovenia) / Katarina Benová, Juraj Carny, Slavka Doricová, Petra Hanaková, Sandra Kusa, Henrieta Mackovjaková, Sandra Sarkanyová (Slovakia) / Darija Alujević, Nina Butić, Ana Dević, Darija Dragojević, Jasminka Franić, Petra Golušić, Marina Kordić, Dalibor Prancević, Ana Tuk (Croatia)
A module on practical aspects of curatorial work:
(Similar modul was prepared every year with minimal changes till WofA year 13.)
- Metka Dariš: Catalogue: view of the designer
- Jana Intihar Ferjan: Documentation
- Bojana Leskovar: Public relations
- Branka Stipančić: Catalogue: view of the editor
- Nives Zalokar: Exhibition mounting
Study excursions:
- Bratislava: 16.–18. 4. 1998; authors of the programme: SCCA−Bratislava (Maria Hlavajová, Jana Oravcová)
- Vienna: 21.–24. 5. 1998; authors of the programme: Institut fűr Kulturwissenschaft (Christine Haupt-Stummer)
- Zagreb, Dubrovnik: 10.–15. 6. 1998; authors of the programme: SCCA−Zagreb (Branka Stipančić)
Series of Lectures Theories of Display:
- Konstantin Akinsha: Notes on the Underground
- Stephen Bann: Display Across the Ages
- Ute Meta Bauer: Do-It-Yourself: Exhibitions by Artists during the 20th Century
- Vuk Ćosić:, The Text
- Tadej Pogačar: P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art and New Parasitism
- Igor Zabel: Exhibition Strategies in the Nineties: A Few Examples from Slovenia
- Nadja Zgonik: The Role of National Identity Research in Theories of Display in Slovenia: Between Past and Present
Anthology THEORIES OF DISPLAY, 1997/1998
(With exhibition catalogue Ko umetnost nabija)
Exhibition: When Art is Doin’ It (Škuc Gallery, 8.−29. 10. 1998)
Artists: Goran Bertok, Rajko Bizjak, Vuk Ćosić, Darij Kreuh, Jurij Perpar, Marija Mojca Pungerčar, Teeny, Brane Zorman
Exhibition catalogue: When Art is Doin’ It

YEAR 1: 1996/97
Head: Alenka Pirman
Assistant: Saša Glavan
Course for Curators
Tutors: Alenka Pirman, Lilijana Stepančič
Workshop leaders: László Beke, Patricia Evans, Charles Harrison, Jana Intihar Ferjan, Branka Stipančić, Igor Zabel
Participants: Daša Dekleva, Marko Germovšek, Iztok Hotko, Polona Hribovšek, Ljubica Klančar, Vasja Nagy, Sabina Salamon, Barbara Sterle, Igor Španjol, Nataša Tajnik, Katja Žlajpah
Series of Lectures: Conceptual Art of the 60’s and 70’s:
- László Beke: Some Characteristic of the Conceptual Art in Eastern Europe
- Antje von Graevenitz: Person of the Artist as a Figure in German Conceptual Art
- Charles Harrison: Conceptual Art and the Problems of Display
- Lilijana Stepančič: Body Art and OHO
- Branka Stipančić: Radical Art in Croatia 1959–1975
- Miško Šuvaković: Conceptual Art in Serbia
- Igor Zabel: Principles of Series and Program in Art of OHO
Anthology: CONCEPTUAL ART IN THE 60′s AND 70′s, 1996/1997
(With exhibition catalogue This Art is Recycled)
Exhibition: This Art is Recycled (Škuc Gallery, 9.−29. 10. 1997)
Artists: Sanja Grcić, Kapetan Hysteria (Aleš Hvasti, Uroš Korenčan), Irwin, Marko A. Kovačič, Tanja Lažetić, Metelkova (Matej Bizovičar, Boštjan Drinovec, Luka Drinovec, Goran Medjugorac, Robert Ograjenšek, Andreja Suhadolčan, Nataša Tajnik, Urša Toman), Primož Pugelj, Rene Rusjan, Apolonija Šušteršič, Dušan Šuštaršič, Matej Andraž Vogrinčič