Participants 2018/2020

1st year

Nevena Aleksovski (1984) graduated in painting from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad in 2008 and got her MA in Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana in 2014. She is active in the fields of drawing, painting, illustration and art fanzines. In her work she thematises the fragility of certain psychological conditions and social roles, using an expressive, intimistic, fragmentary artistic language. In 2016, she got first prize at the ZINE VITRINE dvatwozwei competition for her artistic fanzine. Her work has been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Slovenia, Serbia, Germany and Croatia, including the Zines! Contemporary Zine Production group exhibition at the International Centre of Graphic Arts (2017) and the Neki piše group exhibition at the Vodnik Homestead gallery within the framework of the Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts (2017), as well as in the P74 Gallery (2018) and Kino Šiška (2017). She is also a pedagogue at the ŠKUC and Alkatraz galleries in Ljubljana. She illustrated a collection of poetry, Ljubica Rolanda Barthesa, written by poet Ana Makuc, which received the Veronika Award in 2016. (Photo: Nada Žgank)

Tajda Češarek (1991) received her Bachelor’s degree at the Faculty of Design in Ljubljana (2014). She finished her Master studies at the Academy of Design and Craft, Gothenburg University in Sweden (2017). In her master’s thesis titled Standing Between Reality and its Presentation – visual narrative about faces captured into digital images, she was researching relations between technology and humans through an image production. Since 2016, she is collaborating with Miklova hiša Gallery (Ribnica). In 2018 she is taking care for visual identity for 30th anniversary of the gallery. She is a founding member of Biro 22, association working with creative practices. Association is currently, one of the partners preparing the project Pedagogical programme Miklova hiša Gallery. (photo: personal archive)

Tia Čiček (1992) has a BA in Art History and is currently continuing her studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Fort the last few years she has worked as a curator and producer of contemporary art production in spaces known as Kino Šiška and DobraVaga. She is also part of the working group led by dr. Katja Mahnič, at the department of Art History, where they organize commemorative exhibitions regarding diverse topics within Art History. Her interest in contemporary art in a wider context encouraged her to enrol in a shorter course at the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg. She is particularly interested in areas of museology of contemporary art and contemporary art within an art history discourse as well as the role of a curator in a local and international context. (photo: personal archive)

Kristina Ferk (1992) graduated from Art History and Latin Language, Literature and Culture at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana in 2016. As a student she worked at the City Gallery of Ljubljana and continues that work at the Kresija Gallery and other City of Ljubljana exhibition premises, providing technical and administrative assistance in setting up exhibitions. At the Department of Art History she participates in the project team Vitrina meseca, and she assisted in setting up the UNICUM 2018 exhibition. She is interested in both the contemporary art production and exhibition design and the ancient greek and roman art. (photo: personal archive)

Zala Ferlinc (1995) was born in Slovenj Gradec and is a student of Sociology of Culture at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana. In the academic year 2016/2017, under the auspices of the Puppet Theater in Ljubljana, she attended the School of Critical Writing. Since 2016 she has been publishing theater reviews on the Koridor and Sigledal portals. In September 2018, she further studied at the Universität der Künste in Berlin about her main field of interest, sound art. (photo: personal archive)

Katja Filovski (1994), born in Ljubljana, completed her bachelor’s degree in Japanese studies and art history studies at Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana in 2018. Since 2017 she actively helps with the educational program in the Museum for architecture and design in Ljubljana and works as a volunteer in the non-profit association Škuc. (photo: personal archive)

Tisa Neža Herlec (1996) is currently finishing her bachelors degree at the painting department of the Academy of art and design in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In the year 16/17 she participated at the Erasmus exchange at École nationale supérieure de Dijon in France. In her own artistic praxis she joins different media (from sound, image, to text), in the past two years she actively exhibits. In her work she deals with the common and the everyday, she tends towards understanding the time and space, the circumstances in which she lives and creates. She is interested in the methodologies in the field of artistic production and participatory practices, she holds a critical opinion towards the institutions and the working conditions in culture, which is also visible in her engagement in alternative spaces and also inspires her thinking concerning contemporary curatorial strategies. For the past four years she has been a part od Modri kot, a space in a squat called Autonomous Rog Factory, where she organises and participates. She receives a scholarship from the city of Ljubljana. (Photo: SCCA-Ljubljana archive)

Lara Mejač (1994) is currently finishing her Bachelor’s degree in Art History at Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Since 2014 she is working on educational programmes for children and adults at City Museum of Ljubljana and at Plečnik House. She also works in Gallery Vžigalica and Jakopič Gallery. She is part of DobraVaga Gallery team since 2016, where she tried herself in curating and putting up different exhibitions. In collaboration with DobraVaga Gallery and Plečnik House she curated group exhibition project JOŽE. She is also a coordinator of Murals Programme as a part of cultural festival in Jesenice and co-curator of current cycle of exhibitions in TAM-TAM’s Street Gallery in Ljubljana. (photo: personal archive)

Neža Pavšič (1987) graduated at the Faculty of Humanistic Studies of University of Koper in 2006 majoring in Cultural Studies and Anthropology studies. She explores various fields of artistic expression, from dance and music to visual arts. In 2014, she participated in organization of contemporary dance performances by Emanat, Institute for development and affirmation of dance and contemporary art. Since 2015, she is comanaging the Sina Experimental Arts Festival. Neža is the founder and manager of multi-gallery platform Galetrias, merging and coordinating activities of the three Idrija galleries. Since the establishment of the platform in 2016, she’s managing and assisting the curation of exhibitions and complementing programs. In the range of musical expression and curating, she’s collaborating with the Jazz Cerkno Institution. Her scope of interest encompasses contemporary approaches to art in relation with traditional or classical topics, dance and primary movement, experimental music, and visual interactions. (photo: Iztok Zupan)

Anja Seničar (1992) graduated from Visual Communication Design – Photography at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, where she continues her studies at the Photography Master’s programme. She collaborated at various group exhibitions in Slovenia and abroad (Poland, Slovakia) and is the co-founder of Mišnica, a darkroom operating as part of the GT22 multimedia space in Maribor, Slovenia. She explores and experiments within the photographic medium and is interested in particular in the relationships between the photographic images and a society in daily overflow of (visual) information. (photo: personal archive)

Domenika Slevec (1990), rojena v Trbovljah, je diplomirana umetnostna zgodovinarka in zgodovinarka, leta 2018 pa je zaključila tudi magistrski študij socialne in kulturne zgodovine na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Od leta 2016 sodeluje z Delavskim domom Trbovlje, kot prostovoljka na festivalu novomedijske umetnosti Speculum Artium in pri izvajanju pedagoškega programa v virtualnem muzeju rudarstva 4. dritl. Od jeseni 2018 tudi poučuje umetnostno zgodovino na Univerzi za tretje življenjsko obdobje Trbovlje. (in Slovene only; photo: personal archive)

Rea Vogrinčič je leta 2018 diplomirala na oddelku za slikarstvo na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje v Ljubljani. Trenutno nadaljuje podiplomski študij na oddelku za kiparstvo (ALUO). V svojem delu raziskuje prakse vezane na procesualnost, beleženje, ponavljanje, performans, zvok, mejo med končnim in ne končnim. (in Slovene only; photo: personal archive)

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