Andrej Bereta: Who’s Afraid of the Curator?
World of Art | School for Curatorial Practices and Critical Writing | Year 16
Series of public lectures and workshops
Friday and Saturday, 27 and 28 October 2017
Project room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Guest lecturer and facilitator, Andrej Bereta, will hold a presentation and two workshops about contemporary curating for the participants of World of Art and a number of external participants. The programme is based on his original project Kustosiranje/ About and around curating, developed in 2011 with Srđan Tunić. The presentation will explore the co-creation of an exhibition project, a process created many times with various groups of participants (academic and less formal groups). Additionally, there will be the following two workshops, held in English:
Evaluation of an Exhibition
Friday, 27 October 2017, +MSUM and Project Room SCCA
After being guided through an art exhibition, participants will have the chance to evaluate it. Instead of „measuring“ an exhibition, the focus of this workshop is to create an open space for critical thinking, debate and exchange of thoughts between participants. Evaluation will require individual work from each participant.
Curator vs Artist
Saturday, 28 October 2017, Project Room SCCA
Role-play exploring mutual collaboration between artist and curator, respecting different positions, each other’s integrity and the importance of healthy communication. Participants will be divided into two groups.

Who’s Afraid of the Curator? workshop, Project Room SCCA, 2018. Photo: SCCA-Ljubljana Archive.

Ars Kozara and About and around curating, 2015. Photo: Archive of Andrej Bereta.
Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez Janša®, +MSUM – Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, 19 October 2017 – 18 Februar 2018. Guided tour by Adela Železnik. (Photo: SCCA-Ljubljana Archive)
Evaluation of an Exhibition workshop, Friday, 27 October 2017, +MSUM and Project Room SCCA. (Photo: SCCA-Ljubljana Archive)
Curator vs. Artist workshop, Sunday, 28 October 2017, Project Room SCCA. (Photo: SCCA-Ljubljana Archive)
Andrej Bereta (1970) is a curator, art historian and cultural entrepreneur. He is the Co-founder of ARTIKAL, Belgrade. In 2011 he started a project Kustosiranje/ About and around curating (with Srđan Tunić), an educative and research curatorial project, based on the idea of lifelong learning. Kustosiranje is a public and non-profit programme, open for all creative individuals from the fields of arts and culture: on contemporary curatorial practice, the technology of preparation and realisation of an independent exhibition project, education and supporting proactive attitude of young and future art curators. Since 2014 he is curator of Arts Kozara: international AiR, Art Laboratory in nature on mountain Kozara (BiH). In 2013 he was the director (with Srdjan Tunic) of Mikser Festival 2013 for Visual arts. In 2008 he co-created the Project ARTUR – Cultural tour for disabled persons. Andrej is co-creator and participant of Creative Mentorship and a lecturer on Visual Arts at Independent University of Banjaluka (BiH).
Workshops are organized by World of Art/SCCA–Ljubljana and supported by City of Ljubljana – Department for Culture and Roberto Cimetta Fund. Workshops are part of the Svet okoli nas project, which is supported by Zaklada Kultura nova.