Domen Ograjenšek: Creative writing workshop
World of Art | 19th Generation
29 February – 1 March 2024 (Thursday, 17:30 – 19:00; Friday, 16:00 – 19:00)
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
As part of the World of Art School, we are organising a two-day Creative Writing Workshop with Domen Ograjenšek, which will take place between 29 February and 1 March 2024 and includes two sessions. The workshop is designed for reflection and group discussion about the possibilities of the texts surrounding us and writing itself.
The first meeting (29 February) will be devoted to reading short texts (Slovenian, English) sent in advance by the workshop leader. Participants’ suggestions are also welcome and can be sent to by 23 February 2024. Preparation is not necessary for the workshop, as we will read the texts together in a group.
The second meeting (1 March) will be dedicated exclusively to the reading and group feedback of your curatorial, essayistic, fictional, etc. texts in Slovenian or English that you will bring with you (shorter texts, parts of texts, introductions, conclusions, etc. – approx. 1 p. in length). You can either write your texts after the first meeting, bring a text that you have been working on for a longer time or that has already been published.
Attendance and a shorter text for the second meeting are compulsory for all participants of the 19th generation of the World of Art School.
The workshop is internal. Attendance and a shorter text for the second meeting are compulsory for all participants of the 19th generation of the World of Art School.

Domen Ograjenšek is a writer, curator and critic of contemporary visual art. They are a former member of the ŠUM editorial board and its research collective. They have given lectures and seminars at art institutions such as the International Graphic Arts Centre (MGLC Ljubljana), the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (MSUM), Škuc Gallery, PhaseBook Prague, and the International Festival of Computer Art (IFCA). Their reviews and essays have been published in print and online platforms such as PASSE-AVANT, Artalk, Blok Magazine, Fotograf Magazine, all-over, etc., Maska, ŠUM, Borec, Tribuna and Radio Študent.