Workshop tutors 2010/2011

Miško ŠuvakovićMiško Šuvaković
Miško Šuvaković was born in 1954 in Belgrade (Serbia). He holds a PhD from the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade since 1993. Full professor at the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, where he additionally teaches art theory at the Interdisciplinary postgraduate program. Formerly a member of the conceptual art group Grupa 143 (1975-80) and informal theoretical community Zajednica za istraživanje prostora – ZzIP [Space research community – ZzIP] (1982-89). Editor of the independent journal Mentalni prostor [Mental space] (Belgrade, 1982-87). Member of the editorial board for the journals Transkatalog (Novi Sad, 1995-1998) and Teorija koja Hoda [Walking theory] (Belgrade, since 2001). Honorary member of the Slovenian Society of Aesthetics. His books include Scene jezika [Scenes of language] (Belgrade, 1989), Pas Tout (Buffalo, 1994), Prolegomena za analitičku estetiku [Prolegomena for analytical aesthetics] (Novi Sad, 1995), Postmoderna [Postmodernism] (Belgrade, 1995), Asimetrični drugi [The asymmetrical other] (Novi Sad, 1996), Estetika apstraktnog slikarstva [Aesthetics of abstract painting] (Belgrade, 1998), Pojmovnik moderne i postmoderne likovne umetnosti i teorije posle 1950 [Glossary of modern and post-modern visual arts and theory after 1950] (Belgrade and Novi Sad, 1999), Paragrami tela / figure [Paragrams of body/figure] (Belgrade, 2001), Anatomija angelova [Anatomy of angels] (Ljubljana, 2001), Figura, askeza in perverzija [Figure, asceticism and perversion] (Koper, 2001), Martek – Fatalne figure umjetnika – Eseji o umjetnosti i kulturi XX stoljeća u Jugoistočnoj, Istočnoj i Srednjoj Europi kroz djelovanje umjetnika Vlade Marteka [Martek – Fatal figures of the artist: essays on 20th-century art and culture in South-Eastern, Eastern and Central Europe through the work of Vlado Martek] (Zagreb, 2002), Impossible Histories – Historical Avant-gardes, Neo-avant-gardes, and Post-avant-gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991 (Cambridge Mass, 2003), Politike slikarstva [The politics of painting] (Koper, 2004), Pojmovnik suvremene umjetnosti [Glossary of contemporary art] (Zagreb and Ghent, 2005), Konceptualna umetnost [Conceptual art] (Novi Sad, 2007), Epistemology of Art (Belgrade, 2008), etc. He has curated more than 20 exhibitions since 1978. Artistic Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina in Novi Sad, 2009-2010.

Petja GrafenauerPetja Grafenauer
Petja Grafenauer (1976, Ljubljana) is an independent curator, art critic and theorist. She is completing a PhD on Mass Media in the Slovenian art in ISH. Until 2006 she was editor of RKHV at Radio Študent. Until 2009 she was a curator at the Gallery Ganes Pratt. Between 2008 and 2009 she was curator of the Tobacco Museum Gallery and she was co-curator at 24th International Biennial of Graphic Arts. Since 2009 she is the co-editor of Art Words. She collaborates with SCCA-Ljubljana and Famul Stuart School of Applied Art, where she runs Critical theories of contemporary art module. In 2008 she published her monograph “Aleksij Kobal.” She is editor of the book of selected texts of Zdenka Badovinac, which will be released in 2010.

Suzana MilevskaSuzana Milevska (1961)
Prof. Dr. Suzana Milevska is a theorist and curator of visual art and culture based in Skopje, Macedonia. Currently she teaches art history at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje. From 2008-2009 she though art history and analysis of Styles at the Accademia Italiana Skopje and she was its Dean. From 2006 to 2008, she was the Director of the Center for Visual and Cultural Research at the Euro-Balkan Institute in Skopje and she thought Visual Culture at the M.A. in Gender Studies. She holds a Ph.D. in Visual Cultures from Goldsmiths College in London (2006) where she thought from 2003 to 2005. In 2004, she was a Fulbright Senior Research Scholar in Library of Congress. Her research and curatorial interests include postcolonial critique of hegemonic power in art, gender theory, feminist art and socially engaged art.

Her most recent project “The Renaming Machine” consists of series exhibitions and conferences discussing the politics of renaming and overwriting memory in art and visual culture. In 2005, she curated The Workers’ Club, an exhibition and conference at the International Contemporary Art Biennial at the National Gallery in Prague and in 2004 she was the national curator for the 1st Thessaloniki Biennale Cosmopolis.

Her recent publications include: “Curating as an Agency of Cultural and Geopolitical Change”, Continuing Dialogues, edited by Christa Benzer, Christine Bohler, Christiane Erharter (Vienna: JRP/Ringier, 2008); “The Hope and Potentiality of the Paradigm of Regional Identity,” Manifesta Companion, ed. by Adam Budak and Nina Montmann (Milano: Silvana Editoriale, 2008); “The Phantasm(s) of Belonging: Belonging without Having Something in Common”, Volksgarten Politics of Belonging, ed. by Adam Budak Petar Pakesh, Katia Schurl (Kunsthaus Graz am Landes Museum Joanneum, 2008); “Becoming Woman from a Feminist Point of View”, New Feminism: worlds of feminism, queer and networking condition, edited by Marina Gržinić and Rosa Reitsamer (Vienna: Löcker Verlag, 2007); “Resistance That Cannot Be Recognised as Such – Interview with Gayatri C. Spivak”, Conversations with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (London: Seagull Books, 2007).