Photo diary of the study exscursion Zürich in Ljubljana (14–16 March 2012)

Accompanying program (pdf)
[only for participants of 14th year of World of Art, students of the post-graduated program in curating from Zürich and participants of school for contemporary art journalistic critiques in Zagreb.]

Saša Nabergoj with Majo Alibegović, Majo Antončič, Lenko Đorojević, Jasno Jernejšek, Miho Kelemino, Darijo Kovačič, Nino Skumavc, Nino Sotelšek, Denisom Volkom
Design: Maja Alibegović

Photo: Jasna Jernejšek, SCCA Archive

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012