Petja Grafenauer: What is hidden in a text?

School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art
Season 14
1st Year (November 2011–June 2012)

Close reading workshop

The goal of a 9-hour critical reading workshop is to improve the understanding of theory and criticism of modern and contemporary art, which the participants can use later in their own critical, artistic and curatorial practice.

With the assistance of the curator and art theoretician Petja Grafenauer the participants will use close reading method to tackle selected texts on the 20th century visual arts.

Selection of texts:

  • Tomaž Brejc, Temni modernizem, Cankarjeva založba, Ljubljana 1991.
  • Jure Mikuž, Slovensko moderno slikarstvo in zahodna umetnost, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, (1982) 1995.
  • Igor Zabel, Sodobna umetnost, Teritoriji, identitete, mreže: slovenska umetnost 1995 – 2005, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana 2005
  • Arthur C. Danto, Podeljevanje umetniškega statusa realnim predmetom: svet umetnosti, Analiza: časopis za kritično misel, letnik 4, št. 3/4, 2000
  • Boris Groys, Teorija sodobne umetnosti, zbirka Koda, ŠOU, Ljubljana 2002.
  • Julian Stallabrass, Sodobna umetnost: zelo kratek uvod, Krtina, Ljubljana 2007.