Studio visits

School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art
Season 14
1st Year (November 2011–June 2012)

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Curatorial work is carried out at various levels and a large part of it takes place mostly outside the gallery space since this is sort of the final moment in the whole work process. The structured gallery exhibition program and individual curatorial projects seek to monitor the development of the contemporary visual arts, including tracking the trend of presenting art, theoretical discourse and the continuous development of art practices.
One of the curator methods, certainly one of the most important, is visiting a studio of an artist, thus enabling a personal contact with artists, curators, and consequently providing a more holistic approach to artistic work. During the working year, participants of the World of Art School will be meeting, on an individual as well group basis, artists in their studios, these “studio discoveries” will be in the form of short presentations at monthly meetings presented to their colleagues. Studio visits will be structured so that participants of the World of Art School will be put in the situations which curators meet regularly in the process of their work.

In the studio of Tomaž Tomažin, November 29, 2012 (detail of photo from the exhibition: Tomaž Tomažin, I'm gonna pop that fly, P74 Gallery, November 8–29, 2012)
In the studio of Tomaž Tomažin, November 29, 2012 (detail of photo from the exhibition: Tomaž Tomažin, I’m gonna pop that fly, P74 Gallery, November 8–29, 2012)

In the studio of Petra Varl, May 31, 2012
In the studio of Petra Varl, May 31, 2012

In the studio of Tina Smrekar, May 8, 2012
In the studio of Tina Smrekar, May 8, 2012

In the studio of Janez Janša, April 12, 2012
In the studio of Janez Janša, April 12, 2012

In the studio of Vadim Fishkin, February 3, 2012
In the studio of Vadim Fishkin, February 3, 2012

In the studio of Roman Uranjek, January 12, 2012
In the studio of Roman Uranjek, January 12, 2012