Visit to exhibitions

School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art
Season 14

Focused and in-depth visits to exhibitions. Reference material will be prepared in advance of each visit. Guided tours of exhibitions will be hosted by the curator and artists.


January 19, 2012
13.00-15.30 Bojana Piškur and Igor Španjol: Visit of the exhibitions Museum of Affects. In the framework of L’Internationale* and The Present and Presence, Museum of Contemporary Art (MSUM)
March 14, 2012
14.30–16.30 Guided tour by Igor Španjol: The Present and Presence, Museum of Contemporary Art (MSUM)
16. 45–18.00 Sebastian Krawczyk: presentation of Alkatraz Gallery and guided tour by Danijela Zajc: Bring In Take Out Living Archive: LA EXHIBITION
20.00 Primož Nemec: presentation of Granes Pratt, Mala galerija and guided tour by Petja Grafenauer: Beli sladoled: First serious exhibition
March 15, 2012
10.00–12.00 Jurij Krpan: presentation of Kapelica Gallery and guided tour by Petra Milič: Emanuel Andel & Christian Gützer / 5VOLTCORE: Saving Myself, Metropolis Gallery
12.30–14.30 guided tour by Marko Jenko: 20th Century / Continuities and ruptures and guided tour by Martina Vovk: Metka Krašovec: A Retrospective
17.00 Nevenka Šivavec: presentation of International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC) and visit of the exhibition: ABoT – Artists’ Books on Tour, Artist Competition and Mobile Museum
March 16, 2012
10.00–12.00 Alenka Gregorič: presentation of City Art Gallery and guided tour by Mateja Podlesnik: ogled razstave Sandi Červek: Paintings and drawings 1985–2011
12.15–14.00 Vladimir Vidmar: presentation of ŠKUC Gallery and guided tour of the exhibition Beyond occupied images
16.00-17.30 Janez Janša: presentation of Aksioma and guided tour of the exhibition Igor Štromajer: Make Love, Not Art
18.30-20.00 Miha Colner: presentation of Photon Gallery and guided tour of the exhibition: Ordinary Spaces – Extraordinary Views
20.00 Tadej Pogačar: presentation of P74 Gallery and guided tour by Yasmin Martin Vodopivec: Mihael Giba: Trust me I trust you
April 5, 2012
20.00 Meeting with artist and visit of his exhibition: Tomaž Furlan: Wear XIII, Alkatraz Gallery
April 12, 2012
14.30 Real time settings for ner[d/ve], ŠKUC Gallery, guided tour by Ida Hiršenfelder
May 8, 2012
19.00 Visit of the exhibition Alenka Sottler: Good Afternoon, Alkatraz Gallery. Guided tour by Alenka Sottler.
May 24, 2012
14.00-15.30 Visit of the exhibition Prints and Impressions, MGLC. Guided tour by Breda Škrjanec.
June 28, 2012
16.00-19.30 Visit of the exhibition Tanja Ostojić: Body, Politics, Agency …, Škuc Gallery. Guided tour by Tevž Logar.
October 4, 2012
14.00 Systems and Patterns, guided tour by Nevenka Šivavec, MGLC, Ljubljana
October 18, 2012
14.00-15.30 Marko Pogačnik. The art of life – the life of art, guided tour by Igor Španjol
November 15, 2012
14.00-15.30 Milan Erič: Non Overwiev Exhibition, guided tour by Sarival Sosič, MGML


April 5, 2013
10.00–11.30 Marko Jenko: Marko Šuštaršič (1927–1976): Retrospective and 20th Century / Continuities and Ruptures, Modern Gallery, guided tours.
11.45–13.15 Božidar Zrinski: presentation of International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC) and guided tour by Collin Farows: Cut-ups, Cut-ins, Cut-outs. The Art of William S. Burroughs, MGLC.
14.30–16.00 Alenka Gregorič: presentation of City Gallery Ljubljana and guided tour by Mateja Podlesnik: An exhibition. 50 Years of City Gallery in Ljubljana, historical survey exhibitio
16.15–18.00 Bojana Piškur: presentation of Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova and guided tour: The Presence and Present.
April 6, 2013
11.00–11.45 Janez Janša: presentation of Aksioma and guided tour: Ivan Roth: Flight More.
12.15–13.00 Kapelica Gallery, visit of the exhibition: Koen Vanmechelen: Mechelse Syrian – 17th generation – Cosmopolitan Chicken Project.
15.30–16.00 Vžigalica Gallery, visit of the exhibition: Lela B. Njatin: I Did Not Want to See but I Have since Come to See