Gallery presentation of school’s history

re- Exhibition on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the World of Art
9 – 26 May 2017, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana

Chronology Timeline

The timeline in the first room represents the twenty-year history of the World of Art School in a linear way, its shifts in programme and development, as well as external reflections. Each school year is displayed in segments, sequenced as follows: presentation of the team made up of the participants of the school; the work process and the final exhibition; media responses. The selected material elucidates the changes that took place every year in the school structure, the institutional framework, as well as the conceptual development in constructing the educational practices and methodologies.

YEAR 1 (1997) | YEAR 2 (1998) | YEAR 3 (1999) | YEAR 4 (2000/01) | YEAR 5 (2001/02)YEAR 6 (2002/03)YEAR 7 (2003/04)YEAR 8 (2004/05)YEAR 9 (2005/06) | YEAR 10 (2006/07)YEAR 11 (2007/08) | YEAR 12 (2008/09) | YEAR 13 (2010/11) | YEAR 14 (2011/13) | YEAR 15 (2014/16) | YEAR 16 (2017/18)

Timeline With School’s Educational Process Continuity

The timeline in the fourth room shows the school’s twenty-year long continuity in educational process and a review of the public lectures, seminars and workshops, produced in collaboration with local and international lecturers and institutions. The timeline provides a reading at three levels: through the list of guest lecturers that have prepared public lectures, workshops and seminars; through the range of citations; and through the key concepts that have contributed to the understanding of the developments and issues in the field of both, contemporary curatorial, as well as visual, practices and theories.

Video Interview

In their responses to four questions posed, the former participants of the World of Art School: Ida Hiršenfelder, Miha Colner, Tevž Logar and Alenka Gregorič, reflect on the important distinctions in the register of personal and wider changes within the art system, and problematise the working conditions within the field of curating as well as within the broader social context.

Video Interview I / Question I, 5′ 54”

What role does the World of Art School play in developing the curatorial practices and curatorial discourse within the local context?

Video Interview II / Question II, 9′ 24”

How have your curatorial approaches and methods of conception and realization of exhibition projects changed over the years?

Video Interview III / Question III, 6′ 34”

Is the, otherwise fairly common, dynamic of intertwining artistic and curatorial methodologies part of your curatorial practice?

Video Interview IV / Question IV, 14′ 39”

At a time of prominent precarisation, the field of the curatorial practices has also reached a critical state, which has necessarily led to the emergence of various micro and macro strategies. How do these conditions influence your work? Where do you see the potential for transforming the existing art system?

Photos from SCCA-Ljubljana Archive.

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