
In anthologies one can read selection of texts of our guest lecturers, interviews, texts of final World of Art‘s exhibitions, visual material etc. Anthologies are important segment for introducing World of Art program to professional and nonprofessional public. At the same time they are valuable study material for learning about art, curatorial and critical practices.

Zbornik letnikov 7-14, 2012 Anthology DILEMMAS OF CURATORIAL PRACTICES
Years 7–14, 2012
Editors: Saša Nabergoj, Barbara Borčić
Editors assistant: Simona Žvanut
Curatorial and Institutional Strategies (lectures/texts, conversations, reflections)
Selection of texts 2007–2012:

From the Workshops Archive:

World of Art. Years 1997–2012: Documentation

Press clipping

Slovene/English Edition

Price: 20 eur.

Zbornik Strategije predstavljanja 2 in 3, 2004 Anthology STRATEGIES OF PRESENTATION II and III
(With catalogues of exhibiotions Camera Lucida and Fade In Fade Out)
Double edition, 2004
Editors: Barbara Borčić, Saša Glavan

Conversations with lecturers: Barbara Borčić, Eda Čufer, Dejan Grba, Urška Jurman, Tanja Mastnak, Aldo Milohnić, Aleksandra Mirćić, Saša Glavan, Alenka Pirman, Nevenka Šivavec, Vladimir Tupanjac, Beti Žerovc (2001/02, 2002/03)

Slovene/English Edition

Price: 20 eur.

Zbornik Anthology STRATEGIES OF PRESENTATION I, 2000/2001
Editors: Barbara Borčić, Saša Glavan

Conversations with lecturers: Eda Čufer, Urša Jurman


Slovene/English Edition

Price: 15 eur.

Zbornik Anthology GEOPOLITCS AND ART, 1999
Editor: Saša Glavan

Conversations with lecturers: Eda Čufer


Slovene/English Edition

Price: 12 eur.

Zbornik Anthology THEORIES OF DISPLAY, 1997/1998
(With exhibition catalogue Ko umetnost nabija)
Editors: Metka Vrečar, Nataša Petrešin, Igor Zabel

Reports: Urša Jurman: Progress Report

Slovene/English Edition

Sold out.

Zbornik CONCEPTUAL ART IN THE 60’s AND 70’s, 1996/1997
(With exhibition catalogue This Art is Recycled)
Editors: Ljubica Klančar, Lilijana Stepančič, Igor Španjol

Slovene edition only.

Sold out.