Angela Harutyunyan: Coming to You Not to Be With You

Laboratorium of Curatorial Practices
Season 12: 2008/09

Series of Lectures on Curatorial and Institutional Practices

Performative reflection upon a queer art event

Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 7pm
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana

Angela Harutyunyan’s talk is a performative reflection upon a queer art event. Entitled Coming to You Not to Be With You, it was organized in August 2008 in Yerevan, Armenia in the framework of Women-Oriented-Women’s network’s activities.

Through (un)constructing the specific spatial arrangements of the works within a given space, I will perform what I call a “topographical curating”. Through this (un)construction, I wish to claim an emancipatory potential in the coming together of an aesthetic community.

The talk will be accompanied with a presentation of visual materials, including video works. At the end of the talk, I will open up a discussion on whether it is possible to effectively articulate a politics of (mis)recognition through aesthetics without lapsing into the politics identity.

Queering Yerevan

Queering Yerevan

Angela HarutyunyanAngela Harutyunyan has recently completed her PhD at the University of Manchester, UK. Currently she is Visiting Professor in Art History and Art Program Director at the American University in Cairo. She is the co-organizer of Summer Seminars’ Program for Contemporary Art Curators in Yerevan, Armenia and member of AICA -International Association of Art Critics. She has curated several solo and group exhibitions of contemporary Armenian art and has conducted numerous seminars, workshops and lectures as a visiting lecturer and curator in various international academic and artistic contexts. She teaches courses related to the history and theory of modern and contemporary art.

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