How to participate?

School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art

World of Art, School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art consists of a Series of Public Lectures and Workshops and a two-year School for enrolled participants only.

The World of Art 2014/2016 started with a Series of Public Lectures on Curatorial and Institutional Practices in February 2014. The School started in October 2014.

The open call for applications for World of Art 2016/18 will be published in Autumn 2016.

(if you want to receive information about it, let us know on:

The School is intended for all who are interested in working in the field of contemporary art, regardless of experience, age and education.
The annual School program is internal and for a selected group of participants who will be chosen by open call.

The School has two years, the first year is dedicated to the acquisition of art – historical, theoretical and methodological skills. The second year is dedicated to critical and curatorial studies and practice.

The selection of participants is in two stages. After the first selection, the participants are invited for an interview. We take up to ten participants.

Between both years, participants have to prepare a virtual exhibition as part of a research project. Based on this and how successful their work is in the first year, a maximum of eight participants are promoted to the second year of school.

Regular meetings take place on Thursdays afternoon. Workshops are during classes and on weekends. The precise timetable is published one month in advance and updated to reflect current developments in the art world.

The language of the school is Slovenian, although there are some workshops and lectures in Serbian or English.

Participant’s fee: 1st year (2014/2015) 500 EUR, 2nd year (2015/2016) 500 EUR

Lectures on curatorial and institutional practices are public and free of charge.

Workshops are public. The price of the workshop for external participants is given for each workshop separately. The copy of paid receipt is a precondition for participation in the workshop. We don’t refund participant’s fee.