4. 4.

School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art
Season 14
2nd Year (September 2012–May 2013)

Final exhibition of 14th generation of World of Art, School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Arts

April 4–May 5, 2013
Skuc Gallery, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana

Artists: Vid Avdič Batista, Mirjana Batinić, Simon Hudolin Salči (SBD), Neža Jurman, Gal Košnik, Tejka Pezdirc, Tjaša Pogačar Podgornik, Nika Rupnik, Matej Stupica, Andrej Škufca, Tadej Vaukman, Staš Vrenko

Curators: Maja Alibegović, Maja Antončič, Lenka Đorojević, Jasna Jernejšek, Miha Kelemina, Nina Skumavc, Denis Volk
Tutors: Miran Mohar, Nevenka Šivavec
Head of the school: Saša Nabergoj
Coordinator: Simona Žvanut
Graphic design for the exhibition 4. 4.: Matjaž Komel, Anže Pintar

You are cordially invited to the opening of the exhibition on Thursday, April 4, at 8 pm at Škuc Gallery.

Guided tours by World of Art curators: Wednesday, April 17, and Thursday, April 25, at 6 pm.
(Guided tours will be in Slovene language)

A catalogue of the exhibition will be published and presented at the closing of the show. Accompanying programme and the presentation of the catalogue will be announced on, facebook page SCCA-Ljubljana  and cetrticetrti.tumblr.com.


The end of year exhibition entitled 4. 4. of participants of the World of Art school for curators and critics of contemporary art focuses on exploring new art production of contemporary visual artists. With the group exhibition and their selection of artists, which mainly features work by students and recent graduates of the Ljubljana Academy of Fine Arts and Design and some other art schools, the curators present their view of the current condition of society and culture. The artists examine their own position within the (art) system and the history of their immediate and wider environment. While their exploration of mechanisms of operation and expression is in-depth, it is also free and sometimes witty, thereby (un)consciously establishing their parallel models and systems.

The works use various media (sound and visual installation, video, sculpture, photography); through their messages and by communicating with other works and the exhibition space, they examine the autonomy of art, the works of art and the artist as creator.

One of the concepts explored by the curators – considering the works, artists and the historical role of Škuc Gallery – is the transformation of the premises and establishment of dialectics between individual works. The exhibition is also obviously a product of collaboration between artists and curators.

The curators surveyed the works of emerging artists, which is an important, yet rare process. This led them to several conceptual premises which are shared by all the artists, who, through repetition and the recycling of elements, materials and also artistic and social patterns of the past, examine the role of the art work and their own position in the wider discourse.
The curators also noticed recycling, in view of their observation that some historical trends which are not necessarily linked to recently emerged ‘art school practices’ have become so strong that they have become established in the consciousness of artistic creation and communication. Social patterns which have led to the need for such expression, partly repeat themselves. Therefore, the principles of work are also repeated, which includes establishing independent project rooms, self-organised activities, living in squats, exhibiting in public places, proposing initiatives to change the study environment, etc.

The key focus of many works which are based on repetition is to introduce ‘difference’ into the repetition. The title indicates that the works can be read as being current, present and contemporary, while they also establish an apparent trans-generational leap to artistic trends which have made a mark on the Slovenian art scene.

The artists examine their position within micro and macro systems; however, they do not criticise them directly, but rather through their life style and art, thus creating a unique parallel place in which they consciously include their current collaborators. This can provide one of the definitions of the ‘new’ generation: in their work, they consciously or unconsciously refer to history and try to find their communication modes away from relevant art institutions, while establishing appropriate channels of communication with them. Although criticism of the current general atmosphere is based on exposing individualism and self-reference, it is evident that the artists establish relations based on collective work, cooperation and creative collaboration, even with the system itself.

The exhibition is the result of the curators’ research. It highlights issues, which can be understood as statements leading to possible changes in the organisation, working methods and creation of art in Slovenia.

World of Art curators


World of Art meeting at Škuc Gallery
Photo: Jasna Jernejšek

Social evening in the studio at Kersnikova 4

Benefit party at Respect Club

Works in progress
Photo: Jasna Jernejšek

Opening of the 4. 4.
Photo: Miha Peterlič

Photo: Jasna Jernejšek

Vid Avdič Batista
1989, Koper

Exhibited work:
Vid Avdič Batista, Ape , 2013

Mirjana Batinić
1977, Split, Hrvaška


Exhibited work:
Mirjana Batinić, Vertical and Horizontal Delayering, 2013
This sound artwork is based on the correlation between horizontal (spatial) and vertical (social) delayering. The artist offers us the story of the Škuc Gallery in which she skilfully combines the history of the gallery space with fiction.

Simon Hudolin Salči
1977, Kranj


Exhibited work:
Simon Hudolin Salči (SBD), Proteus Anguinus Salad: North Face, 2012–2013
This wall installation emerged as a result of the artist’s research into the forms and symbols of the ‘mountain’ and the (artistic) concept of mountaineering through various media transformations.

Neža Jurman
Kranj, 1985


Exhibited work:
Neža Jurman, ODE TO TRASH , 2013
The chandelier combines the artist’s attitude towards kitsch with the luxurious form of chandeliers from the past. The video projected onto the window shows a meeting between the curators and artists who have set up this exhibition.

Gal Košnik
1987, Kranj

Exhibited works:
Gal Košnik, Wish, Unheard , 2013; Political Option , 2013
An intervention in the toilets. Knuckle dusters, a prohibited weapon, are a part of the installation and are sold as works of art.

Tejka Pezdirc
1985, Novo mesto


Exhibited work:
Tejka Pezdirc, Spaces of Memory (Absent), 2010–2012
This spatial installation is set up from various doors, through which the artist has entered at least once. The spaces in between are filled with found and created objects.

Tjaša Pogačar Podgornik
1987, Ljubljana

Exhibited work:
Tjaša Pogačar Podgornik and Andrej Škufca, »I Wish I Could Speak English As Well As Stilinović«, 2013
This piece is a response and a fresh actualisation of »An Artist Who Cannot Speak English Is No Artist«, an artwork created in 1992 by the Croatian artist Mladen Stilinović.

Nika Rupnik
1991, Postojna

Exhibited work:
Nika Rupnik, Segment, 2013
This is a two dimensional in situinstallation that originated from the artist’s research into various urban spaces and locations.

Matej Stupica
1987, Ljubljana


Exhibited work:
Matej Stupica, Paintings , 2013

Andrej Škufca

Exhibited work:
Tjaša Pogačar Podgornik and Andrej Škufca, »I Wish I Could Speak English As Well As Stilinović«, 2013
This piece is a response and a fresh actualisation of »An Artist Who Cannot Speak English Is No Artist«, an artwork created in 1992 by the Croatian artist Mladen Stilinović.

Tadej Vaukman
1984, Slovenj Gradec


Exhibited work:
Tadej Vaukman, Untitled, 2012
The black and white snapshot photograph is one of the numerous visual records of the artist’s life.

Staš Vrenko
1991, Ljubljana

Exhibited work:
Staš Vrenko, Rayar , 2012–2013
Sculptures created from waste metal and computer parts. The sculptures use sound modulated by the various components to create a soundscape.


Exhibition catalogue
4. 4.
Editor: Mihael Kelemina

  • Nina Skumavc & Maja Alibegović: Svoboda, enakost in kustosi. Od novincev do bande kustosov / Freedom, Equality and Curators. From Rookies to a Gang of Curators
  • Jasna Jernejšek: Habemus Curatorem
  • Lenka Đorojević: 4. 4.
  • Mihael Kelemina: 4. 4./2
  • Maja Antončič: Re?generacija odnosov / Re?generation of Relations
  • Denis Volk: Kar se Janezek nauči, to Janez zna! / What Little Johnny Boy Learns, Johnny Knows!

Slikovno gradivo & izjave umetnikov o delih / Visual material & Artist’s Statements
Intervjuji z umetniki / Interviews with Artists (in Slovene only)
Življenjepisi umetnikov / Curricula Vitae
In Slovene and English language.
Price: 6 eur.

The catalogue 4. 4. accompanies the exhibition 4. 4., which the participants of 14th Year of the World of Art school for curators and critics of contemporary art prepared in Ljubljana Škuc Gallery and was on view from April 4 till May 5, 2013. The catalogue is divided into three thematic parts. In the first part we can find the texts by curators who shed light on the various aspects linked to the exhibition – from the planning to the actual realisation of the exhibition and catalogue. The second part focuses on the picture material that shows the artworks and the layout of the exhibition. This part also includes the artists’ statements as regards their works. The third part consists of interviews with the artists in which their understanding of the world and their artistic practices are revealed.

On the occasion of a public presentation of the catalogue 4. 4., we prepared an artist talk and tried to reflect processuality as a part of the exhibition, the creation of art works and the relationship between artists and curators.

More …


In Slovene only.


SCCA–Ljubljana, Center for Contemporary Arts
Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
(T): + 386 1 431 8385
(E): info@scca-ljubljana.si

Škuc Gallery
Stari trg 21, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia, (T): +386 1 2516540, (E): galerija.skuc@guest.arnes.si

EXHIBITION IS SUPPORTED BY: Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo, Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport RS, Okolje Consulting d. o. o. (support for the exhibition calatolgue), Riko d. o. o., Zasebna ambulanta splošne medicine Slavko Jernejšek, dr. med., spec. spl. med., Moro & Kunst d. o. o., Banka Celje d. d., SO-RA d. o. o., Megacop Dušan Vehovar s. p., Vinakras Sežana, Vinakoper, Droga Kolinska Group, Grand Hotel Union, Slaščičarna Viki, Rayher Adria d. o. o.

Kapelica Gallery, P74 Gallery, Raša (Club Respect), Vitja Balžalorsky & Boštjan Simon, Bojana (DJ – Cica Mica), Matjaž (DJ Lorenzo Damentasche), Katarina Mirović STRIP CORE, Martin Lovšin, Igor Jeraj

SCCA–Ljubljana, Center for Contemporary Arts / World of Art, School for curators and critics of contemporary art
(office hours:10 am–1 pm)
Head of the School: Saša Nabergoj
Coordinator: Simona Žvanut
Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, phone: (01) 431 83 85
e-mail: svetumetnosti@scca-ljubljana.si
SCCA-Ljubljana on Facebook