Visit to exhibitions

School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art
Season 15
1st Year (October 2014–June 2015)

Focused and in-depth visits to exhibitions. Reference material will be prepared in advance of each visit. Guided tours of exhibitions will be hosted by the curator and artists.


November 10, 2014
11.00–13.00 Presentation of Center for Contemporary Arts (Celje): Gallery of Contemporary Art and Likovni salon Gallery and a visit of the exhibition: Vidno/nevidno. Afekt in razpoloženje skozi fotografijo (guided tour by the curator of the exhibition Irena Čerčnik, Gallery of Contemporary Art).
19.00–19.30 Visit of the exhibition Out in the Open, Likovni salon Gallery, Celje. Guided tour by the curator of the exhibition Ida Hiršenfelder.
November 13, 2014
18.00–19.00 Visit of the exhibition Tensions, Gregor Podnar Gallery, Lj. Guided tour by the curator of the exhibition Tevž Logar.
November 27, 2014
14.00 – 15.00 Visit of the exhibition Alenka Pirman, Collected Works, International Centre of Graphic Arts, Lj. Guided tour by the co-curator Barbara Borčić.
December 12, 2014
19.00 Opening and a preview of the exhibition Day by Day with artists and curators at Škuc Gallery
December 18, 2014
14.00–15.30 Visit of the exhibition Tadej Pogačar & the P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art: Hills and Valleys and Mineral Resources, Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana. Guided tour by Tadey Pogačar


January 15, 2015
18.00–19.00 Visit of the exhibition Neur-o-matic; MoTa POINT, Ljubljana
(guided tour by Ida Hiršenfelder in Matej Stupica)
February 13, 2015
19.00 Preview of the exhibition: Vesna Bukovec: In če se motim? / And if I am wrong? with the guided tour by the artist and the curator Mojca Grmek
10 April, 2015
19.00 Matej Stupica: V.I.P., exhibition opening
22 October, 2015
5 pm–6 pm Guided tour of the Inside Out – Not So White Cube exhibition with curator Alenka Gregorič, City Art Gallery

Visit to exhibitions in Season 14