Miško Šuvaković: Theory and practice of art criticism

School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art
Season 13
1st Year (April–June 2010)

Workshop in writing about contemporary art

June 6, 2010
SCCA Project room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana

The purpose of the workshop is to get acquainted with the history and theory of art critics and the practical tests in analysing the critic’s text. Lectures will be held in Serbian language.


Tutor: Miško Šuvaković


The registration should be sent either to email address: svetumetnosti@scca-ljubljana.si, postal address or in person to: Zavod SCCA-Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana.

Price 20 Euro per workshop
(Price includes VAT).

The number of places is limited to 10 participants.

The closing date for applications: Thursday, June 3, 2010
(Applicatons will be accepted until places are full)