From Elsewhere 2

School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art
Season 15
1st Year (October 2014–June 2015)

From Elsewhere 2
Curatorial Practices and Artistic Positions

Tuesday, 12 May 2015
6 pm: presentation of art and curatorial practice in the Philippines, Singapore and Myanmar
8.30 pm: screening of the selected Filipino video works and short films

Project Room, SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana

From Elsewhere 2 is the second edition of our get acquainted with the state of curatorial practices and artistic positions beyond the European area. First we learned about Armenia, Kazakhstan, Egypt and Turkey. This time we went even further, we learned about the Philippines, Singapore and Myanmar.

From elsewhere 2 will take place within the frame of World of Art School and a public programme of the international project Curating–In–Depthprepared by two main partners SCCA–Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Planting Rice (The Philippines) and associated organisation Kurziv (Croatia). The project is supported by Asia-Europe Foundation.

Curating-In-Depth is an incubation project between non-governmental institutions from Europe and Asia, whose goals are for the development of curatorial education. It connects initiatives in the field of curatorial practices and the production of visual arts exhibitions, which share the same approach (we call it the “curating-in-depth”), but are rooted in different cultural environments and artistic milieus.

Since 3 May, curators from the Philippines, Myanmar and Singapore are getting acquainted with Ljubljana’s art scene, they also visited Celje and Maribor. This summer SCCA-Ljubljana’s team will return visit and present Slovene art scene in Manila.

Fellow colleagues will prepare presentations on current curatorial practices and artistic communities from the cultural environments of their origins.

We invite you to join us on Tuesday, 12 May, from 6 pm onwards in the Project Room SCCA!


6 pm: Anupama Sekhar (the Director of the Culture Department of ASEF, Singapore): presentation of the foundation, opportunities and open calls for international cultural cooperation between Europe and Asia.

PRESENTATIONS: 6.15-8.10 pm

Siddharta Perez6.15 pm:
Siddharta Perez
Prompts: Curatorial strategies in facilitating and sustaining knowledge resources

Antares Gomez Bartholome6.35 pm:
Antares Gomez Bartholome (Philippines):
Curation as Cultural Work

Isabel Ching7 pm:
Isabel Ching (Singapore):
Frames of Conceptualism from Southeast Asia

Moe Satt7.20 pm:
Moe Satt (Myanmar):
Short Introduction of Myanmar Performance Art

Abstracts and CV’s of presentations (pdf)

BREAK: 8.10–8.30 pm

VIDEO SCREENING: 8.30-9.40 pm

The Kalampag Tracking Agency

8.30 pm:

Shireen Seno (Philippines): The Kalampag Tracking Agency

Screening of 13 selected Filipino video works and short films with comments by the curator. The selection showcases the works from 1985 until nowadays and demonstrates different aesthetics and usage of visual language by showing the issues of contemporary society in the Philippines.

More (pdf)



Supported by:

Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) / Arts Network Asia (ANA) / Trans Europe Halles (TEH) / Embassy of the Philippines in Austria / Ljubljana Municipality, Department for Culture / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia