Series of public lectures on curatorial and institutional practice

School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art
Season 14

Reflections and shifts in curatorial, critical and artistic practices
Lectures, discussions, conversations

The World of Art School is continuing to feature international and Slovenian protagonists who present individual and collective strategies and tactics applied in their curatorial, critical and artistic practices, seeking to establish unique ways of operating within the established art system. In a series of lectures, they are presenting their views and experiences, thematising their concepts and projects.

We expect this year to be especially interesting since we are preparing a series of lectures in a slightly changed format and in collaboration with Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory. As one of the most prominent curators, thinkers and theorists in Slovene cultural milieu, Igor Zabel has been involved in the programme of the World of Art School on different levels from the very beginning (as a tutor, lecturer, and consultant).

This is also a reason for us to begin our collaboration and announce this year’s series of lectures with a public presentation of Igor Zabel: Contemporary Art Theory. Further on, two lectures on the topic – shifts in theoretical, artistic, curatorial and critical field of contemporary art –  from the perspective of an artist/pedagogue and a curator will follow.


March Monday
March 25, 2013, at 18.00
MSUM, Ljubljana
Igor Zabel: Contemporary Art Theory: Book presentation and discussion
April Tuesday
April 9, 2013, at 19.00, Škuc Gallery, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana
Erik Hagoort, Diagonal Reciprocity. Thinking About Art Practices of Encounter
(lecture will be in English)
May Monday,
May 6, 2013, at 18.00, MSUM, Ljubljana
Nataša Petrešin Bachelez: Situated artistic research and self-reflexive residency programmes


The World of Art school has continued to feature international and Slovenian personalities who have presented individual and collective strategies and tactics used in curatorial, critical and arts practices, seeking to establish unique ways of working in the established art system. In a series of lectures and workshops, the tutors have presented their views and experience, thematising their concepts and projects.

This year, we will continue to present curatorial practices which reach beyond exhibition installation and point to alternative constructive work in the field of contemporary art. We are interested in practices which seek new approaches, techniques and methods, creating a different approach to the established system that dominates contemporary art.


January Thursday
January 26, 2012, at 18.00
Sønke Gau and Katharina Schlieben: Work to do! Or Caught between two stools: Questioning Production Conditions …
February Thursday
February 16, 2012, at 20.00
Petra Kapš: Lethe or Mnemosyne for the fu-(ture)
OR as omnipresent trinity: poiesis, techné, parrhesia
March Thursday
March 15, 2012, at 19.00
MGLC, Ljubljana
Dorothee Richter: Artists and Curators as Authors – Competitors, Collaborators, or Teamworkers?
(opening lecture of exhibition Print!)
April Thursday
April 12, 2012, at 20.00
Andrzej Szczerski: Curating and the importance of artwork