Dorothee Richter: Artists and Curators as Authors – Competitors, Collaborators, or Teamworkers?

School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art
Season 14
1st Year (November 2011–June 2012)

Series of public lectures on curatorial and institutional practice

Opening lecture of exhibition Print!

Thursday, March 15, 2012 at 7 p. m.
MGLC, Tivoli castle, Pod turnom 3, Ljubljana

Dorothee Richter will question artistic and curatorial authorship and will try to place it in broader historical frame. Are artists and curators competitors at taking the grants for authorship in contemporary art? Did curators adopted the process of artistic self-organization? If they really did, what are the consequences? Are artists and curators co-workers on the field which is little undefined and more flexible and open as such?

More about the exhibition


Dorothee RichterDorothee Richter
Art historian, author, curator, organised symposiums as Curating Degree Zero – an international symposium on curating, GAK, Bremen (with Barnaby Drabble), 1998; Dialogues and Debates – feminist positions in contemporary visual arts, 1999; The Quintessiental Hold of Images, 2001 (with Sigrid Adorf and Kathrin Heinz), The Visuality of Theory vs. The Theory of the Visual (with Nina Möntmann), Re-Visions of the Display: Exhibition Scenarios, Their Readings and Their Publics, Migros Museum (with Jennifer John and Sigrid Schade), Communitiy_ perhaps (with Jörg Huber and Elke Bippus), Institution as Medium. Curating as Institutional Critique? concept with Rein Wolfs, Fridericianum Kassel.
She was director of the Lichthaus in Bremen, artistic director of Kuenstlerhaus Bremen, 1999–2003, some projects included: over high, over flow; naming a practice, collaboration – a practise which creates an environment. She initiated with Barnaby Drabble Curating Degree Zero Archive; an archive, travelling exhibition and web resource on critical curating, shown and re-interpreted with artists, curators, designers in: Basel, Genf, Linz, Bremen, Bristol, Lüneburg, Birmingham, London, Berlin, Edinburg, Milano, Seoul, Paris, Bergen and Cork from 2005 to the present day. She lectured at University of Bremen, University of Lüneburg, Ècole des Beaux Arts in Genève, Merz Akademie in Stuttgart. She was research associate Exhibition Displays at School of Art and Design in Zürich. Director of the Postgraduate Program in Curating at Zürich Art University. She is initiator of a web journal on curating (, which is online since June 2008, until now 11 Issues were published.
Publications: Curating Degree Zero – an international symposium on curating (ed.: D. Richter and E.Schmidt, Nürnberg, 1999); Dialogues and Debattes – on feminist positions in contemporary visual arts (ed.: D.Richter, Die Höge, Nürnberg, 2000); Programming for a Künstlerhaus (ed.: D. Richter, Künstlerhaus Bremen, 2002); The Visuality of Theory vs. The Theory of the Visual (ed.: Nina Möntmann, Dorothee Richter, Frankfurt, 2004); Curating Critique (ed.: B. Drabble, D. Richter, ICE, Edinburgh, Frankfurt, 2008); Re-Visions of the Display: Exhibition Scenarios, Their Readings and Their Publics (Zürich, 2009); Mit Sein (ed.: Elke Bippus, Jörg Huber, Dorothee Richter, 2010); 11 Issues of

Production: SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts
Co-production: Postgraduate Curatorial studies of Institute Cultural Studies in the Arts (Zürich Art University)
Supported by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.
Swiss Contribution

Thanks: International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC)

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