Zemira Alajbegović and Neven Korda: Video Essay

Laboratorium of Curatorial Practices
Season 11: 2007/08

Seminar – Workshop No.4

23rd June – 11th July, 2008

The workshop’s objective is to introduce workshop participants with theory and practice of video essay in the field of culture and art.Within the frame of the workshop, the participants work on all the phases of the making of video essay. They shoot a selected event, write a script, choose the interlocutors and finally edit the essay and put music and titles on it.Compared to other media, the advantage of a video essay on a certain visual arts event (exhibition, installation etc.) lies in that it possesses the capability to present the event to spectators either in part or in its entirety, with the possibility to present at once the authors, curators and others involved. The textual part is therefore usually brief: the information, opinion, or comment should be neither extensive nor verbally saturated. The way the event is shot is however important, as well as how we choose the images out of the recorded material; how we combine them with statements and off-texts; in other words, what is the relation between the picture and the script in shaping up the essay.

Subject of the video essay is Visiting Artist, final project of Laboratorium of Curatorial Practices, within which this year’s participants hosted Romanian artist Mircea Nicolae at Metelkova mesto between May 27th – June 27th.


Monday, June 23rd, SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6
15.00–18.00 Workshop on Functional Video – theory, part I
Overview of TV broadcasts on cultural and art events. Discussion on the subject of the video, writing the script and organising work.

June 24th till June 27th, Metelkova Mesto
Shooting on location depending on arrangement (appr. four hours in four days, depending on the script, program of visiting artist and including opening of the exhibition)

Monday, July 7th till Friday, July 11th, SCCA Project room, Metelkova 6
12.00–15.00 Workshop on Functional Video – editing and post-production, part II
Post-production: writing and reading the text, editing the piece, viewing the finished pieces and discussion

Zemira Alajbegović Pečovnik
is a director, scriptwriter and journalist. She received her B.A. at the Faculty of Sociology, Politology and Journalism in Ljubljana. She is author of short movies, documentaries and TV programmes in the field of arts and culture.

Neven Korda
is an artist in the field of performative and projected art. He is director and author of theatre performances, author movies, documentaries, video clips. He is tutor and executor of workshops on functional video. He is also active in the field of archiving and preserving video recordings.

Worshop participants:

Tatjana Horvat (1980)
Graduated from history of art and comparative literature at Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. She works as a translator from Slovenian and German language.

Urša Bonelli Potokar (1982)
Student of Famul Stuart School of Applied arts, Department of video and 3D animation. Since 2000 she collaborates on various video projects within theatres and festivals. She works at Vest.si internet television.

Contact person: Maja Lozić
Zavod SCCA-Ljubljana (office hours: 11.00-15.00)
Metelkova 6
1000 Ljubljana
Tel: +386 41 367 425
Fax +386 1 430 06 29

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Video esej - delavnica
Video esej - delavnica
Video esej - delavnica
Video esej - delavnica
Video esej - delavnica