Seminar in writing in Poreč

Laboratorium of Curatorial Practices
Season 11: 2007/08

Poreč, 29th of August–31st of August 2008


Friday, 29. 8. 2008
16.00 departure from SCCA, Ljubljana
18.00 arrival and accommodation in Poreč
20.00 visiting the Festival of light

Saturday, 30. 8. 2008
10.00–12.00 workshop, 1st part: commentaries and talk about the written texts
12.30–17.00 workshop, 2nd part: corrections and finalizing the text
17.00–18.00 lunch
20.00 visit of the Mediascape 2008 exhibition

Sunday, 31. 8. 2008
10.00–11.00 awarding of the degrees and viewing of Video essay
11.00 social gathering and departure to Ljubljana

The last event of this year Laboratorium of Curatorial practices was a workshop which took place in Poreč between 29th and 31st of August under the mentorship of Petja Grafenauer Krnc. The participants’ task was to write an expertise – reflection of this year’s project – which will later be published in one of the editions of the Art Words magazine.

In the course of the workshop we organized a visit of the six days long lasting international Festival of Light in Bravarija in Poreč on Friday evening. The festival has been organized by Kruno Vrgoč and the leader of the festivals program and the ex World of Art school participant Sabina Salamon (1st year 1996/97). Among others Ivana Franke, Lara Badurina, Mike Hentz and Simon Macuh presented their projects at the festival.

On Saturday evening the schools participants attended the opening of the Mediascape 2008 exhibition in Novigrad. The project which was dealing with the exploration of the nonurban landscape in this years edition included works by Uršula Berlot, Ivana Franke, Marko Košnik, Mirjana Vodopija and others.

On Sunday this years Laboratorium concluded with the awarding of World of Art’s degrees to te participants. The return to Ljubljana represents the ending of the previous school year but also the start of the new one, which will take place in October with the first workshop of Seminar in writing on contemporary art on the theme of the newspaper article and critique led by Ženja Leiler.

Participants of the workshop in writing in Poreč: Petra Milič, Teja Rot and Vanja Žanko.

Delavnica iz pisanja  Poreču
Delavnica iz pisanja  Poreču
Delavnica iz pisanja  Poreču
Delavnica iz pisanja  Poreču
Delavnica iz pisanja  Poreču
Delavnica iz pisanja  Poreču