Branislav Dimitrijević: Everything Is Gonna Be: Katarina Zdjelar and Zoran Todorović at The 53rd Biennale Di Venezia

Laboratorium of Curatorial Practices
Season 12: 2008/09

Series of Lectures on Curatorial and Institutional Practices

Thursday, May 14, 2009, 8 p.m.
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana

Serbian pavilion at the 53rd Biennale di Venezia wishes to become a space of dialogue between two so far unrelated art projects. Although they are artists of different generations, attitudes and philosophies, Zoran Todorović (Belgrade, 1965) and Katarina Zdjelar (Belgrade, 1979), share a common point in arguing that an artist is a free mediator within the space of social interaction, and that artistic subjectivity emerges only if situated in the frictions of a world constructed from social matter. They share determination to locate what is identified as contemporary art in the web consisting of social structures and individual resistances, yet they are taking this shared determination in different directions.

Dimitrijević’s lecture will present this year’s project for the Biennale and discuss it in the context of previous Serbian presentations in Venice.

Branislav DimitrijevićBranislav Dimitrijević (Belgrade, 1967) is lecturer in art history, writer and curator. He is Senior Lecturer at the School for Art and Design (VSLPUb) in Belgrade and Associate Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade. He graduated from University of Belgrade (BA in Art History) and University of Kent (MA in History and Theory of Art). He has been working on a PhD thesis on Consumer Culture in Socialist Yugoslavia at the University of Arts in Belgrade. With Branislava Andjelkovic and Branimir Stojanovic he co-founded and coordinated School for History and Theory of Images, an independent educational project in Belgrade. He has been publishing essays on contemporary art and theory of art, film and visual culture.