SCCA programs and World of Art at the Symposium on curatorial programs

Laboratorium of Curatorial Practices
Season 12: 2008/09

September 16 and 17, 2009
Bergen National Academy of the Arts, Norway

SCCA-Ljubljana, Center for Contemporary Arts is hosted by Bergen National Academy of the Arts to present its programs as a support system for contemporary arts, culture and civic society in Slovenia and internationally.

Barbara Borčić, director and consultant of World of Art educational program, will participate at the symposium on curatorial practices with a lecture about educational curatorial programs and their importance as a part of support system for contemporary arts. The lecture will reflect different aspects of curating and also the education in the field of contemporary art in Slovenia and on the international scene. It will be based on the research concerning the positions of the curators that have lectured/led workshops in frame of SCCA-Ljubljana since 1993. The presentation of juxtapositions of different understandings, visions, achievements and interpretations of curatorial practices in a wider context from the sixties to today will put a special emphasis on the World of Art, School for Contemporary Art that has been operating in frame of SCCA-Ljubljana from 1997.

Marianne Hultman, director of Oslo Fine Art Society, entitled her lecture What did I learn in school? Experiences from CuratorLab and its value in the profession as a curator.

Sarat Maharaj, professor of Visual Art and Knowledge Systems at Lund University, will give some thoughts on curating and education.

The lectures will be followed by group discussions. After the symposium the participants will take part at the Bergen International Biennial Conference 2009 (September 17-20) to discuss the status of the biennial as an exhibition type, and to initiate debate on the plans for a biennial in Bergen.