Ženja Leiler: Newspaper article and criticism

Laboratorium of Curatorial Practices
Season 12: 2008/09

Seminar – Workshop No.1

17-18 October, 2008

On Friday, the 17th and Saturday the 18th of October 2008, the first workshop with the title Newspaper article and criticism was held by Ženja Leiler in the complex of the Seminar in writing on contemporary art.

In the first part of the workshop the participants were acquainted with theory of writing: we have determined particular genres of writing and debated over their meaning in the age, when the number of newspaper copyes printed is declining because of the World Wide Web. We were given some guidelines on how a good article is supposed to look like and what should not be included into it. After that we visited the International center of Graphic Arts and the exhibition A Third Look to use the gained knowledge on newspaper criticism in practices.

On Saturday the participants analyzed the texts we have written during the workshop together with our mentor.

Petja Grafenauer