World of Art’s 14th class graduation and a guided tour of the visual art scene at ACC Metelkova City

School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art
Season 14
2nd Year (September 2012–May 2013)

On 17 June 2013 World of Art’s 14th graduating class officially graduated. Head of school Saša Nabergoj, together with mentors Miran Mohar and Nevenka Šivavec, awarded diplomas to: Maja Alibegović, Maja Antončič, Lenka Đorojević, Jasna Jernejšek, Miha Kelemina, Nina Skumavc and Denis Volk.

The graduation ceremony was followed by a guided tour of the visual art scene at ACC Metelkova City (in Slovene language).

We congratulate all of the students and wish them further success in the world of art!