Changes in the SCCA-Ljubljana’s team

Towards new professional challenges

Saša Nabergoj

On August 1 our colleague, Saša Nabergoj, art historian, curator, critic and lecturer, was appointed the director of Škofja Loka Museum in Škofja Loka.

In her career, Saša Nabergoj was the assistant director at SCCA-Ljubljana and head of two center’s programs: World of Art, School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art and Studio 6, exhibition and research program. In the 18-years of SCCA’s operation she has played a crucial role in shaping the program, constantly bringing new perspectives on contemporary art and curatorial practices. She has participated in numerous exhibitions and research projects, and in education of fifteen generations of young curators and critics.

We would like to express our warm thanks to our former colleague for the long-standing cooperation and we wish her all the best in her new position as well as a lot of professional verve with which she had inspired us during the past years.

Saša Nabergoj is available on the new e-mail address or at Škofja Loka Museum in Škofja Loka.


Simona ŽvanutWe welcome Simona Žvanut, art historian, curator and critic, as a new head of the World of Art and Studio 6 program. Her four-years experiences as the assistant of both programs clearly ads to her high competency and skills.


SCCA-Ljubljana’s team