SCCA-Ljubljana on

With its programs World od Art and DIVA Station SCCA-Ljubljana is now present on web portal, where video documents of lectures about curatorial practices of contemporary art and researching, archiving and documenting video and new media art will be published.

SCCA-Ljubljana published four lectures in 2010. World of art presents lecture of Maria Hlavajova, artistic director of BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, who outlined the ways in which arts institutions can also serve as a public area of criticism and dialogue. In their joint lecture Joa Ljungberg, curator from Mälmö and Edi Muka, artist and curator from Tirana presented various curatorial strategies and tactics as well as different nature of institutions in Sweden and Albania.

DIVA Station hosted two international lecturers on its project How to connect contents of AV archives? in October. Media theorist Stephen Kovats, in the lecture Under the Radar: Deciphering Cultural Process, wondered how we can capture not only the physical presence of artistic work, but also the cultural essence, in which the work is done. Dalibor Martinis, transmedia artist, in his lecture Data Recovery 1974-2009 tried to return fragments of events, activities or situations that have disappeared following a widespread social oblivion.

You are welcome to visit the portal!