Summer seminars for art curators – open call

The Institutional and Ideological Operation of Transnational Art Event

July 25-August 5, Yerevan, Armenia
Deadline for application: April 1, 2011

AICA-Armenia is announcing the call for the 6th International Summer Seminars for art curators, which will take place in Yerevan in Armenia.

The 6th edition is initiating a series of seminars, lectures, discussions and public reading groups that aim at questioning the economic, political and ideological bases of constructing the global art event on one hand, and the participation of the contemporary art scene in Armenia in those events on the other hand.



To apply, please, send a CV, a Statement of Interest (approximately 1000 words) and a writing sample (a review, a curatorial statement or an art critical piece, approximately 1500-2000 words) to Angela Harutyunyan ( and Taguhi Torosyan ( by April 1, 2011.

AICA-Armenia does not provide grants to cover travel expenses. However, limited grants to cover accommodation can be obtained on the basis of the merit of the application. We encourage you to apply for external funding sources. Participation is free of charge.

SCCA-Ljubljana and World of Art are permanently collaborating with AICA-Armenia in the field of curatorial education and practice.