LabSUs – Open platform of curators, artists, writers, theoreticians

Laboratorium of Curatorial Practices
Season 10: 2006/07

Laboratorium in the gallery

Škuc Gallery, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana, Slovenija

June 23 – 29, 2007
Open from 10 am. Free entrance!

Laboratorium are: Ivana Bago, Petja Grafenauer Krnc, Petra Kapš, Monika Ivančič Fajfar, Vasja Nagy, Mojca Puncer and Jaka Železnikar

Laboratorium invites you to LabSUs!

On Saturday, June 23, 2007, with the breakfast at 10 am at the Škuc Gallery we will launch an event, that will, during the following week, offer a space for discussions, thoughts and dialogues with artists, curators, critics, thoreticians and the interested public.

ARTISTS are especially invited to Open studio daily between 12 am and 7 pm! We will welcome you, prepared for dialogue about and on your art practice, ideas and concepts – bring them along! We will present selected works during LabSUs, the production of which will partly be financed by LabSUs.

Please address any wishes, comments, advice and questions to:

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