Zemira Alajbegović and Neven Korda: Video Essay

Laboratorium of Curatorial Practices
Season 11: 2007/08

Seminar – Workshop No.6

June 2008

The aim of the workshop is to learn about the theory and practice of video essay in the field of arts & culture.

Compared to other media, the advantage of video essay on a certain event (exhibition, installation etc.) lies in that it possesses the capability to present the event to spectators either in part or in its entirety, at once also having the possibility to present the authors, curators and others involved. The textual part is therefore usually brief: the information, opinion, comment, can be neither extensive nor verbally saturated. It is however important how the event is shot as well as how we choose the images out of the recorded material; how we combine them with statements and off-texts; in other words, what is the relation between the picture and the script in shaping up the essay.

Within the frame of the workshop, the participants will work on all the phases of the making of video essay. We will choose either a theme or an event – e.g. an exhibition, installation etc – shoot it in collaboration with the camera person, then write a script, choose the interlocutors and finally edit the essay, either alone or in collaboration with an editor, and put music and titles on it.