Miško Šuvaković: Comparative Theory and History of Art – Analysis

Laboratorium of Curatorial Practices
Season 11: 2007/08

Seminar – Workshop No.1

October 27, 2007
SCCA Project room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana

Presenting the presuppositions for comparative studies of visual, performing and new media arts. Theory of comparative studies. Theory of interdisciplinarity. Problems of comparative interpretation of visual arts, photography, video, performance, digital arts and bio-techno art. Theoretical debates were implemented on the examples from contemporary art. New literature was deliberated.


Saturday, October 27

11-12.30 — Comparative theory and history of art (analytical methods – post-structuralism, cultural studies, biopolitics)

12.45-14-15 — Analysis of new artistic practices: comparative debate on visual, performing and new media arts

14.15-16 — BREAK

16-17.30 — Art in the époque of culture: developments in conceptual art at the end of the 20th and the beginning of 21st century (Kruger, Catelani, Hirst, Kopljar, Pogačar, 3 Janeza Janše) — New technologies, politics and artistic productions (Stelarc, Orlan, CAE, Zapatistas, Kac etc.)

Workshop was held in serbian language.

Miško Šuvaković
Philosopher, professor of Esthetics at Faculty of Music Art and professor of Art Theory at Department of Interdisciplinary Studies at University of Arts in Belgrade.

Miško Šuvaković - workshop
Miško Šuvaković - workshop
Miško Šuvaković - workshop
Miško Šuvaković - workshop
Miško Šuvaković - workshop