Program collaborators 2006/07

Metka Dariš
She received her degree in 1994 at the Department of Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana, studies of Visual communication (mentors Ranko Novak and Stane Bernik). Already from 1992, she works in the field of visual communication together with Tomaž Perme, a graduated designer of visual communication himself, mainly on the projects in the field of arts and culture. The projects comprise numerous and diverse clients: from total design for Petrol (1994) to total design for Slovenian Cinematheque (1994-2005); from total design for the Gorica Library (1999), to designing printed material for Ljubljana City Theatre (1998-2001). From 1995, Metka Dariš is Art Director of the magazine Emzin, the Association for Creative Production, in which frame each year photographic and design exhibitions are organised, along with workshops and the competition Photography of the Year. As lecturer, she led Design workshops for Emzin. In the frame of the World of Art, she teaches every year at the Course for Curators (SCCA-Ljubljana).

Jana Intihar Ferjan
Born in 1956 in Ljubljana, where she received her degree in 1981 at the Department of Art History and English at the Faculty of Arts. She concluded her first employment in General Library with the specialist exam in library sciences. Since 1983, she works in the Modern Gallery in Ljubljana as Curator at the Department of Documentation – archive, bibliography. Her work comprises collecting, processing, archiving and mediating data on activities in the field of modern and contemporary art in Slovenia. This work is best reflected in the systematical keeping of evidence on exhibitions and reactions to them as well as bio-bibliographical data on artists. For this purpose, the Gallery is equipped with computer software Exhibition and Artist already since 1989/90 i.e. 1993. She collaborated on European projects: Vector – European Contemporary Art Archives (2001-2003, project leader Basis Wien), continued through the platform (EAN) and Gravity – Art_Religion_Science (2002-2004, project leader Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten Graz). The majority of her published works consists of chronologies, bibliographies and lists of exhibitions in documentary segments of catalogues of larger-scale exhibitions and collections of Modern Gallery (among other, an overview of periods Expressionism and New Reality in Slovenia, 1920-1930; The Art of the 30’s in Slovenia). From 1981 to 2000. she published in the Almanac for Art History bibliographies in the field of art history. Since 1995, she is collaborator of Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon (Die Bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker),. Published by Saur Verlag, Leipzig- München. For this lexicon, she writes units on Slovenian 20th century artists. She also provides names for Internationale Künstler-Datenbank, which is occasionally published on CD-roms by the same publisher. Since 2003, she is member of Editorial Board of the review Art Chronicle (published by the Franc Stele Art Historical Institute in the frame of Slovenian Academy of Arts and Sciences).

Bojana Leskovar
Is jurist. She was journalist and editor in the daily newspaper Delo, weekly magazines Mladina and Telex, programmes of Studio Ljubljana and Studio City of TV Slovenia, and the magazine Viva. She collaborates with the agency Pristop in the sector of Public Relations; she is independent advisor of the European Cultural Month in Ljubljana, as well as the project of introducing VAT in Slovenia, the promotion of first Slovenian films Grandma Goes to South and Stereotype, then employed at the Ministry of Health in the sector of Public Relations, Chamber of Economy and currently in Mercator. She is co-author of the first manual on public appearance in Slovenia as well as lecturer in School for Public Relations and collaborator of the World of Art from its onset. She is an avid reader and traveller.

Alenka Pirman
Free-lance artist. She received her degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana (1989). Throughout the 90’s, her work was connected mainly to fictional institutions: SK8 Museum (1991-93), RIGUSRS – Research Institute for Geo-Artistic Statistic of the Republic of Slovenia (1997, with Vuk Ćosić and Irena Woelle) and the Institute for Domestic Research (1994-98). She further collaborated in artistic collective platforms Luther Blisset/ (1998) and Bughouse (2002-03). Since 2004, she is founding member of the Association for Domestic Research. She lives and works in Ljubljana.

Sabina Salamon
Born in 1971 in Rijeka. She received her degree in Philosophy and Art History at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. From 1995, she is member of informal group Young Artists Club in Rijeka, which was presenting the Rijeka young visual arts scene. In 1997 and 1998, she works for the Dante Cettina Gallery in Umag. In 1997, she completes the Course for Curators (SCCA-Ljubljana). In parallel, she writes texts for the section of Visual arts at Radio Student. In 2000, she is coordinator of the festival hEXPO. In 2001, she works at the 15. Triennial of Drawing in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rijeka. From 2002 to 2006, she is Director of City Gallery Labin and the Mediterranean Sculpture Symposium Labin. She is currently head of City gallery Labin. She publishes her texts in the art magazine Kontura.

Branka Stipančić
Art critic and free-lance curator, lives in Zagreb, Croatia. Graduated art history and literature, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. Former positions: include curator, Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb 1983 – 1993, Director of Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Zagreb 1993 – 1996. 
Curator: On Unknown Works, Gallery Nova, Zagreb, 2006; Josip Vaništa, Mala Galerija, Ljubljana, 2006; Mangelos retrospective exhibition in: Museu Serralves (Porto), Neue Galerie (Graz), Fundacio Antoni Tapies (Barcelona), Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel – through 2003 – 2004; Connections – Contemporary Artists from Australia (HDLU, Zagreb, 2002). Co-curator: Kontakt… , Museum modernere Kunst, Vienna, 2006; The Baltic Times (The Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, 2001/ Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck), Chinese Whispers (Apexart, New York, 2000), Aspects/Positions (Museum moderner Kunst, Vienna, 1999), The Future is Now (Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, 1999)
Recent publications: Mangelos nos. 1 to 9 1 (Museu Serralves, Porto, 2003);

Miško Šuvaković (1954)
Born in Belgrade. Received his Ph.D in 1993 at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade. He is Professor at the Faculty of Music Art. He teacthes Art Theory at Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Arts. He teaches History and Theory of Contemporary Art as Guest Lecturer at the School of Architecture in belgrade. He also teaches Performing Arts Theory as Guest Lecturer within the frame of the Philosophy and Theory of Visual Culture at the Faculty for Humanistic Studies in Koper. He was member of conceptualist group 143 (1975-80) as well as member of informal theoretical community “Community for Space Research “ (1982-89). He participated in the editorial work on the magazines “Catalogue 143 (Belgrade, 1976-77), “Mental Space” (Belgrade, 1982-87), “Transcatalogue” (Novi Sad, 1995-98), “Walking Theory” (Belgrade, from 2001), the magazine “Difference” (Tuzla, 2002), “Sarajevo Notebooks” (Sarajevo, Zagreb, Belgrade, Ljubljana, 2005), “Art Look” (Warszaw, 2006). He is Honorary member of Slovenian Aesthetics Association. He ha published the following books: Language Scenes (1989), Pas Tout (1994), Prolegomen for Analytical Aesthetics (1995), Postmodernism (1995), The Asymmetrical Other (1996), Aesthetics of Abstract Painting (1998), Glossary of Modern and Post-modern Visual Arts and Theory after 1950 (1999), Paragrams of body/figure (2001), Martek-Fatal Figures of Artist: Essays on 20th century Art and Culture in South-Eastern, Eastern and Central Europe through the work of Vlado Martek (2002), Impossible Histories – Historical Avant-gardes, Neo-avant-gardes, and Post-avant-gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991 (2003),, The Politics of Painting (2004), Glossary of Contemporary Art (2005), Discursive Analysis (2006), Case Studies (2006) and Farenheit 387: Theoretical Confessions (2006) etc.

Nives Zalokar
Works and lives in Ljubljana.