Public Events

Series of public lectures and workshops 2017/2018

Practices and Approaches

Series of public lectures 2014/2015
In collaboration with the Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory

How Critical Is The Condition of Critical Writing?

Reflections and Premises in Contemporary Art, Art Theory and Art History


Public lecture 2005/06

  • Mike Hentz: Performance … What does it mean?


  • Zemira Alajbegović & Neven Korda: Video Essay
  • Eda Čufer: Interview as a Tool for Conceptualisation
  • Ješa Denegri: Historicizing Contemporary Art
  • Mike Hentz: Different Aspects of Performance. Practical and Theoretical Exercises
  • Miško Šuvaković: Construction of a Story of Modern Art and how to Conceptualise Critical Analysis
  • Nadja Zgonik: Cataloguing Contemporaneity – A Text for a Catalogue

Visit World of Art Archive page

Workshops 2004/05

  • Zemira Alajbegović & Neven Korda: Video Essay
  • Eda Čufer: Interview
  • Ješa Denegri: Historicizing Contemporary Art
  • Ženja Leiler: Newspaper Critique
  • Miško Šuvaković: Theory and Practice of Art Critique and Theory and Practice of Art Critique Part II
  • Igor Zabel: Catalogue Text

Visit World of Art Archive page

Workshops 2003/04

  • Zemira Alajbegović & Neven Korda: Video Essay
  • Tomaž Brejc: Interpretation of an Art Work
  • Boris Buden: Column
  • Ješa Denegri: Historicizing Contemporary Art
  • Miško Šuvaković: Theory and Practice of Art Critique
  • Igor Zabel: Catalogue Text
  • Ženja Leiler: Newspaper Critique

Visit World of Art Archive page

Series of public lectures 1996/1997

Conceptual Art in the 60’s and 70’s

(In Slovene language only)

  • Igor Zabel: Načeli serije in programa v ohojevski umetnosti
  • Lilijana Stepančič: Body art in OHO
  • Miško Šuvaković: Konceptualna umetnost v Srbiji
  • Antje von Graevenitz: Umetnikova osebnost kot sredstvo konceptualne umetnosti v Nemčiji
  • Charles Harrison: Konceptualna umetnost in problem predstavitve
  • László Beke: Konceptualna umetnost v vzhodni Srednji Evropi
  • Branka Stipančić: Radikalna umetnost iz Hrvaške

Visit World of Art Archive page


The timeline with school’s twenty-year long continuity in educational process and a review of the public lectures, seminars and workshops, produced in collaboration with local and international lecturers and institutions, was presented at the exhibition re- Exhibition on the Occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary of the World of Art at Škuc Gallery in Ljubljana.

The timeline provided a reading at three levels: through the list of guest lecturers that have prepared public lectures, workshops and seminars; through the range of citations; and through the key concepts that have contributed to the understanding of the developments and issues in the field of both, contemporary curatorial, as well as visual, practices and theories.

More about the exhibition.