Series of public lectures 2019
Parallel Systems. Establishing and Forming Media Art
- Miklós Peternák: CHANGING THE SYSTEM: THE INTERMEDIA MODEL. From Media Research to Intermedia 2.0 (1989–2019), lecture
- Suzana Milevska: WRITING ABOUT, WITH, AND OUTWARDS ART, workshop
- Media art and cutural policy, round table (in Slovene langauge)
- Siegfried Zielinski: PRO-SPECTIVE ARCHAEOLOGIES. Travelling through DEEP TIME OF THE MEDIA into Possible Futures, lecture
- Amy Ireland and Mikkel Thykier: Shanghai Frequencies, talk

Series of public lectures and workshops 2017/2018
Practices and Approaches
- Daniel Morgenthaler: Curating? Corating!, lecture
- Andrej Bereta: Curator vs Artist, workshop
- Andrej Bereta: Evaluation of an Exhibition, workshop
- Max Grau: Performing Knowledge, workshop

in collaboration with the Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory
How Critical Is The Condition of Critical Writing?
- Thijs Lijster: The Crisis of Criticism
- Thijs Lijster: Towards an “Espacement” of Criticism
- Ekaterina Degot: When Everybody is Critical, but Nobody is a Critic
- Maja Breznik: Presenting the Analysis “Where Has Fine-Art Criticism Gone?”
- Izidor Barši & Kaja Kraner (ŠUM): Discourses Accompanying Art
- Antonija Letinić: What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Criticism?
- Fouad Asfour: Unlearning Art Writing

In collaboration with the Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory
How Critical Is The Condition of Critical Writing?
- Boris Buden: Art and Critique in Curating the Past, lecture
- Boris Buden: A conversation with Boris Buden upon the occasion of the Slovene translation of the Zone des Übergangs: Vom Ende des Postkommunismus.
- Lina Džuverović: Words Are People.* Text As Art And Art As Text
- Jelena Vesić: Critique in/or Crisis
- Jennifer Allen: The Work of Art Criticism in the Digital Era
- Edit András: The Trajectory of Criticism in the Time of Post-Socialist Nationalism
Reflections and Premises in Contemporary Art, Art Theory and Art History
- Suzana Milevska: The Troubled Relation Between Theory and Curatorial Practice
- Elke Krasny: Unplanned History – Writing It Down/Writing It Up as a Critical Curatorial Practice
- Jayme McLellan: Different models of support for emerging art and artists in the U.S./D.C.
- Paul O’Neill: Did Somebody Say Curating, Again? Recent Turns in Curatorial Practice
- Piotr Piotrowski: The Global NETwork. Approaching Comparative Art History
- Klara Kemp-Welch: Continuity and Rupture / Networking and Collaboration from the 70s to the 00s
- Suzana Milevska: The Troubled Relation Between Theory and Curatorial Practice
- Elke Krasny: Unplanned History – Writing It Down/Writing It Up as a Critical Curatorial Practice
- Jayme McLellan: Different models of support for emerging art and artists in the U.S./D.C.
- Paul O’Neill: Did Somebody Say Curating, Again? Recent Turns in Curatorial Practice

Series of public lectures 2011/13
Curatorial and Institutional Practices
- Igor Zabel: Contemporary Art Theory: Book presentation and discussion
- Erik Hagoort, Diagonal Reciprocity. Thinking About Art Practices of Encounter
- Nataša Petrešin Bachelez: Situated artistic research and self-reflexive residency programmes
- Sønke Gau and Katharina Schlieben: Work to do! Or Caught between two stools: Questioning Production Conditions …
- Petra Kapš: Lethe or Mnemosyne for the fu-(ture) OR as omnipresent trinity: poiesis, techné, parrhesia
- Dorothee Richter: Artists and Curators as Authors – Competitors, Collaborators, or Teamworkers?
- Andrzej Szczerski: Curating and the importance of artwork
- Miško Šuvaković: Art and Politics: Contemporary Aesthetics, Philosophy, Theory and Art in the Era of Global Transition
- Branislav Dimitrijević: Interpreting and Situating Contemporary Art: Observation, Participation, Motivation, Research and Empathy
- Petja Grafenauer: Workshop on Writing About Experimental Research and Exhibition Project “Video Turn”

Series of public lectures 2010/11
Curatorial and Institutional Practices
- Pau Cata (Consell Comarcal Llorenc del Penedes): An artist at the CeRCCa Residency. An auto-ethnographic perspective
- Nora Sternfeld and Luisa Ziaja: What comes after the show? On post-representational curating
- Joa Ljungberg and Edi Muka: Dreams, Failures and Achievements – Navigating through an institutional desert
- Maria Hlavajova: Negotiating Social and Political Urgencies in the Field of Artistic Practice. BAK, basis voor actuele kunst as a Case Study
- Maria Hlavajova: Negotiating Social and Political Urgencies in the Field of Artistic Practice. BAK, basis voor actuele kunst as a Case Study

Series of public lectures 2008/09
Curatorial and Institutional Practices
- Angela Harutyunyan: Coming to You Not to Be With You
- Branislav Dimitrijević: Everything Is Gonna Be: Katarina Zdjelar and Zoran Todorović at The 53rd Biennale Di Venezia
- Suzana Milevska: Negotiations: Curatorial practice in the period of globalisation
- Eda Čufer: Occupation dramaturge, curator, editor
- Angela Harutyunyan: Interstices of History: Collective Writing and/as Curating
- Ženja Leiler: Newspaper Critique
- Miško Šuvaković: Theory and Practice of Contemporary Art
- Branislav Dimitrijević: Interpreting and Situating Contemporary Art: Observation, Participation, Motivation, Research and Empathy
- Neven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović Pečovnik: Video Essay

Series of public lectures 2007/08
Curatorial and Institutional Practices
- Manray Hsu: Informal Politics and Contemporary Arts
- Suzana Milevska: Curator as a Translator
- Julian Stallabrass: Art Incorporated: Contemporary Art in a Neoliberal Climate
- Miško Šuvaković: Comparative Theory and History of Art: Analysis
- Eda Čufer: Interview as a Tool of Conceptualisation
- Suzana Milevska: Collaborative Curating
- Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda: Video Essay

Series of public lectures 2006/07
Curatorial and Institutional Practices
- Clémentine Deliss: Plan for a Mobile Faculty of Arts
- Angela Harutyunyan : Importing “Curator”: Politics of Representation and Recognition in Contemporary Armenian Art

Public lecture 2005/06
- Mike Hentz: Performance … What does it mean?
- Zemira Alajbegović & Neven Korda: Video Essay
- Eda Čufer: Interview as a Tool for Conceptualisation
- Ješa Denegri: Historicizing Contemporary Art
- Mike Hentz: Different Aspects of Performance. Practical and Theoretical Exercises
- Miško Šuvaković: Construction of a Story of Modern Art and how to Conceptualise Critical Analysis
- Nadja Zgonik: Cataloguing Contemporaneity – A Text for a Catalogue

Workshops 2004/05
- Zemira Alajbegović & Neven Korda: Video Essay
- Eda Čufer: Interview
- Ješa Denegri: Historicizing Contemporary Art
- Ženja Leiler: Newspaper Critique
- Miško Šuvaković: Theory and Practice of Art Critique and Theory and Practice of Art Critique Part II
- Igor Zabel: Catalogue Text

Workshops 2003/04
- Zemira Alajbegović & Neven Korda: Video Essay
- Tomaž Brejc: Interpretation of an Art Work
- Boris Buden: Column
- Ješa Denegri: Historicizing Contemporary Art
- Miško Šuvaković: Theory and Practice of Art Critique
- Igor Zabel: Catalogue Text
- Ženja Leiler: Newspaper Critique

Series of public lectures 2001/03
Strategies of Presentation II & III
- Boris Buden: Art as a Political Intervention: The Austrian Case
- Anne Cartel, David Dronet: Multimedia cultural centre Station Mir
- Charles Esche: The possibility forum – institutional change and modest proposals
- Daniel Jewesbury: Scopo
- Ivana Keser: Author’s Newspaper: The Freedom of Misinformation
- Viktor Misiano: Strategies of Exhibiting from Modernisation towards De-Modernisation
- Tadej Pogačar: This Is What You Want – This Is What You Get
- Donatella Ruttar, Moreno Miorelli: Stazione di Topolo
- Nevenka Šivavec: The Lure of the Local
- ŠKART: Pesme koje su pobegle
- WHW: In Between: Independence and the Lures of Institutionalisation

Series of public lectures 2000/01
Strategies of Presentation I
- Clémentine Deliss: Metronome: Curatorial Practice and Research beyond Exhibitions
- Branislav Dimitrijević: The Grand Compromise: On Examples of the Use of Political References in Serbian Art of the
90’s, and its Historical Background - Marion von Osten, Peter Spillman in Susanna Perin: Euro-Vision of the World of Art
- Mike Hentz: Translation
- Marko Košnik: Abstraction and Action
- Oliver Marchart: Political Strategies as Artistic Strategies: The Use of Multiple Names
- Olesya Turkina: St. Petersburg’s Neo-academism. Revival of the Great Story
- Miha Zadnikar: Restructuring Subculture

Series of public lectures 1999
Geopolitics and Art
- Charles Harrison: The Merits of Incompetence
- Jaroslav Andel: Art’s shifting Grounds: The Case of Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic
- Călin Dan: Geography of Doom. An Estimate of Possibilities
- Borut Vogelnik: The privatisation of time
- Dušan Rutar: Digital Aesthetics, global Images and Ethics of New Tribalism
- Edi Muka: Permanent Instability
- Marko Peljhan: Permanent Instability

Series of public lectures 1998
Theories of Display
- Stephen Bann: Display Across the Ages
- Ute Meta Bauer: Do-It-Yourself: Exhibitions by Artists during the 20th Century
- Nadja Zgonik: The Role of National Identity Research in Theories of Display in Slovenia: Between Past and Present
- Konstantin Akinsha: Notes on the Underground
- Tadej Pogačar: P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art and New Parasitism
- Igor Zabel: Exhibition Strategies in the Nineties: A Few Examples from Slovenia
- Vuk Ćosić: Net.Art, the Text

Series of public lectures 1996/1997
Conceptual Art in the 60’s and 70’s
(In Slovene language only)
- Igor Zabel: Načeli serije in programa v ohojevski umetnosti
- Lilijana Stepančič: Body art in OHO
- Miško Šuvaković: Konceptualna umetnost v Srbiji
- Antje von Graevenitz: Umetnikova osebnost kot sredstvo konceptualne umetnosti v Nemčiji
- Charles Harrison: Konceptualna umetnost in problem predstavitve
- László Beke: Konceptualna umetnost v vzhodni Srednji Evropi
- Branka Stipančić: Radikalna umetnost iz Hrvaške
The timeline with school’s twenty-year long continuity in educational process and a review of the public lectures, seminars and workshops, produced in collaboration with local and international lecturers and institutions, was presented at the exhibition re- Exhibition on the Occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary of the World of Art at Škuc Gallery in Ljubljana.
The timeline provided a reading at three levels: through the list of guest lecturers that have prepared public lectures, workshops and seminars; through the range of citations; and through the key concepts that have contributed to the understanding of the developments and issues in the field of both, contemporary curatorial, as well as visual, practices and theories.