Final Exhibition

World of Art | School for Curatorial Practices and Critical Writing | Year 16

The final exhibition is the end result and also the conclusion of two years of education of the current group of participants.

Participants will have weekly meetings with the curator Alenka Gregorič and artist Miran Mohar to conceive and set up the exhibition and its accompanying events. They will choose artists and write the accompanying texts, the group will prepare a technical and a public relations plan, they will attempt to obtain additional financial resources, prepare a publication, et al.

More about the final exhibitions of the World of Art school participants.

The final exhibition of the 16th generation is supported by Municipality of Ljubljana – Department for Culture and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.

Sponsors: Riko, d. o. o., Zavarovalnica Sava, d. d., New Moment d. o. o. and Elektro Ljubljana d. d.