Miha Kelemina, Lara Plavčak: Curatorial Mapping

World of Art | School for Curatorial Practices and Critical Writing | Year 16

Through visiting exhibitions of contemporary art we will get to know the leading exhibition venues, become familiar with the specifics of individual exhibition venue and their programme policies.

Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez Janša®, +MSUM – Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, 19 October 2017 – 18 Februar 2018. Guided tour by Adela Železnik.

In January 2018, World of Art School visited Croatian town Rijeka with school’s mentor Alenka Gregorič in the framework of curatorial mapping. On this occasion, we visited various contemporary art institutions and organisations and got to know the work and art practices of local artists and art groups.

Visit of the exhibition Crne krabulje / Black Disguises and Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Rijeka (MMSU).
Kresimirova 26c, Rijeka
Guided tour with the curator Sabina Salomon.

Drugo more
Korzo 28/2, Reka

Visit to the exhibition Tomo Savić Gecan: Bez naziva 2017.
Mali salon, Korzo 24, Rijeka
Curator: Sabina Salomon

Visit of Delta 5 studios (Milijana Babić, Tomislav Brajnović, Igor Eškinja, Fokus Grupa, Nadija Mustapić, MFK&AT, Nika Rukavina).
Delta 5, Reka

Photo: SCCA-Ljubljana Archive
Acknowledgment: The City Museum of Ljubljana, especially Blaž Peršin, Alenka Gregorič, Jernej Volk.