fifth year: 2001/2002 | series of lectures: lectures / conversations with lecturers / lecturers |
course for curators of contemporary art: course participants / study excursions / program collaborators / exhibition / course participant's texts |
Jurij Krpan The strategies and tactics of presentation (of art projects) that we have been exploiting during the seven years of the Kapelica Gallery existence have lead us to the only possible conclusion, i.e. that there is no justified reason for the traditional function of a gallery as a white cube. Galleries presenting projects that merge various production forms of expression should rather function as a competently equipped platform, which would enable the art processes and its effects to generate and evolve. At this it is important to differentiate between work in progress and work in process. The main aim of a work in progress is still linked to objective reality, which implies a final product, while a work in process remains unfinished. Therefore a gallery is no longer an environment in which a work of art comes to a standstill but an environment in which the work remains in progress. A gallery thus becomes a constitutive element of the artwork, as I call it a crossed-out gallery.