ninth year: 2005/2006 seminar in writing: schedule / program collaborators

course for curators of contemporary art: course participants / study excursions / program collaborators / exhibition



Nadja Zgonik
Cataloguing Contemporaneity - a text for a catalogue

The aim of the workshop was to get an insight into the strategies of catalogue and theoretical writing and the typologies of texts that accompany exhibitions. The focal point of analysis was the text in the exhibition catalogue that would be dealt with from historical, contextual (relation, exhibition, spectator, society) and validating point of view. We will also determine its significance in the process of establishing and institutionalising of contemporary artistic practices. We will seek to find out to what extent contemporaneity is dependent on its definitions as well as what is the relation between the exhibition catalogue and the literary theoretical work, which contemporaneity bequeaths to history.

Compulsory reading samples:

Nuša and Srečo Dragan: The Provocation of the 89's Media, DSLU Gallery, Ljubljana 1982
Nataša Petrešin: Our house is a house that moves, Pavelhaus, Laafeld and ŠKUC Gallery, Ljubljana, 2004
Tomislav Vignjević; Contemporary Slovenian Painting and the Question of Mediatic Mediation of Image, Media in Picture, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, 2004
Nadja Zgonik, Discovered Plant, Anja Jerčič, Paintings 2003-2005, UGM, Exhibition Salon Rotovž, 2006