third year: 1999 series of lectures: lectures / conversations with lecturers / lecturers

course for curators of contemporary art: course participants / study excursions / program collaborators / exhibition /


Geopolitics and Art

Charles Harrison
Since 60's he's involved in criticism, history and production of art, with Art&Language group he cooperates for more then 25 years. He is the author of the book Essays on Art &Language (1991) and Modernism (1997), he edited together with Paul Wood antologies Art in Theory 1900-1990 (1992) and Art in Theory 1815-1900 (1998). He is co-author with Michael Baldwin and Mel Ramsden of Art and Language in Practice Vol 1: Illustrated Handbook and editor of Vol 2: Critical Symposium (both 1999). He curated an exhibition When Attitudes become Form, ICA, London 1969, Idea Structures, Camden Arts Center, 1971. He was giving lectures on modern art in England, Europe and USA. He is professor of history and theory of art at Open University in England and visiting professor of art history at Universities of Chicago and of Texas, Austin, ZDA.

Edi Muka
Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana in 1991, where he also has worked as an assistant professor since 1995. Since 1999 he is the director of the International Centre of Culture in Tirana. He has presented himself at numerous group and individual exhibitions, amongst others also at:
Spring 98, National Gallery, Tirana, 1989; Untitled, one man show, National Gallery, Tirana, 1996; Riorientim, Porcelain Factory, Tirana, 1997; Translocation, new/media art, Vienna, Austria, 1999. He also set up a number of exhibitions, amongst others : Riorientim, Porcelain Factory, Tirana, 1997; Welcome to Wonderland, National Gallery, Tirana, 1998; Onufri 98 - Permanent Instability, National Gallery, Tirana, 1998; Albania Today, Albanian Pavilion in the 48th edition of the Venetian Biennial, 1999; Albanische Kunst Heute, Haus am Lutzwoplatz, Berlin, Germany, 1999. He lectures and publishes texts on contemporary art amongst others subjects : Albanian Contemporary artists (Manifeste 2 catalogue), Albania Today - The Time for Ironic Optimism (Catalogue of the Albanian pavilion at the Venice Biennial).

Jaroslav Andel
Independent scholar and curator, lives in New York and Prague. Curated numerous exhibitions including: The Artistic Avant-garde in Czechoslovakia 1918-1938, IVAM, Valencia, 1993; The Dawn of Magicians: From Mediumistic Drawings to Cyberspace, National Gallery in Prague, 1996; Painting the Universe: Franti¹ek Kupka, Pioneer in Abstraction, Dallas Museum of Art, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, National Gallery in Prague, 1997-98. Director of the Centre for Modern and Contemporary Art, National Gallery in Prague (1996-1998), currently works on an exhibition of the birth of abstract art.

Du¹an Rutar
Graduated from Psychology at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, where he also received his Ph.D. on the discussion of Freud's concept of the Id. He lead the section for theoretic psychology at the Faculty of Arts for five years. At present he is a teacher at the Kamnik secondary school, where he teaches psychology and psychoanalysis. He founded the Freudian club in which he lectures in the classics of psychoanalysis. He was the co-ordinator of the post-graduate programme of Theories and Politics of the Body, which took place at Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, and presently he co-operates at the post-graduate study of the Faculty for Post-graduate humanistic studies in Ljubljana. For a period of time he lectured at the faculty of Arts on the subjects of psychoanalysis and epistemology as a visiting professor. He is the editor of the Newspaper for social Studies AWOL. Apart from other books and publications he is also the author of: Body and Power: sociology and philosophy of the body in the 19th and 20th Century, Ljubljana 1995; Freud's Ghosts: a philosopher versus capitalism, Ljubljana 1996; Three discussions on the theory of handicap, Ljubljana 1996; Freud Versus the Pope, Ljubljana 1996; Introduction to Post-modern Psychology, Ljubljana 1997; Freud's Ghosts 2: a philosopher versus capitalism, Ljubljana 1997, Freud's Ghosts 3, Ljubljana 1999, Theological essays, Ljubljana 1999.

Borut Vogelnik
Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana in 1983. He is a founding member of the group Irwin, in which he has worked from 1983.

Cãlin Dan
He received a M.A. in Art History & Theory. Until 1994 he has worked as a freelance art critic, curator, editor and teacher of art history. In 1990 he co-founded SubReal. He has exhibited at numerous exhibitions: Istanbul Biennial,1992; Venice Biennial/Aperto, 1993; Sao Paulo Biennial, 1994; OSTranenie, Bauhaus Dessau, 1995; Neuer Berliner Kunstverein; Manifesta, Kunsthal Rotterdam, 1996; Beyond Belief, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago/Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, 1996/1997; Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen; SITE Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM, 1997; Ars Electronica, Linz; Berlin Biennial; Dutch Electronic Arts Festival (DEAF 98), Rotterdam, 1998; Synworld, Museumsquartier Vienna; Venice Biennial (Romanian pavilion), 1999; Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM), Karlsruhe , 1999. He also received numerous grants: J.P.Getty Fellowship for research in art history, 1993; Philip Morris Kunstförderung, 1996 and has participated in several Residencies Programs: Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, 1995; Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, 1997; V2_Lab for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam - 1998; Schloss Plüschow/Mecklenburgisches Kunstverein, Plüschow, 1999; Kulturkontakt, Vienna, 1999.