WORKSHOPS "SUGGESTIONS AND DOCUMENTS" Workshops have been introduced as a contribution to the production and interpretation
in the field of contemporary art. Through actual
methods and cases the series of workshops introduce the participants to the
conceptual and reflective operation in the sphere of the contemporary art world
and encourage artists to analyse and reflect on their own artistic practices. With the aid of conceptual techniques, methods, procedures and approaches related to their own practices foreign and Slovene experts work with the participants on a practical case and strive to achieve concrete results. Workshops on the theory and criticism of contemporary art This series of workshops is oriented towards a deeper theoretical dealing with the various methods of theory and criticism in contemporary art. Within their frame the participants try themselves out on a practical case. Foreign and Slovene experts present different ways of interpreting contemporary art production, they analyse the rules of writing texts and their construction and place them into thematic blocs or genres, such as for instance: column, foreword, review, critique, essay, polemics, etc. On a practical level, the participants are introduced to the knowledge of reading and writing texts.