
[English below]
Vsa umetniška dela, združena pod naslovom Camera lucida, nazivom za napravo, ki za svoje delovanje potrebuje prisotnost svetlobe in tako omogoča izrisovanje kontur željenega objekta, obravnavajo svetlobo kot bistvo vizualnega. Umetniki, ki sodelujejo na razstavi, so različnih generacij, prihajajo pa iz Slovenije in sosednje Hrvaške.
Umetniki v svojih delih uporabljajo tehnologijo luči, video kamere in digitalnega zvoka, čeprav le-ta ni predmet njihovega izraza. Njihova dela imajo moč transformerjev. Njihova energija nas očara in nas popelje v mirno zatišje: ponudi nam čudež, izziv in nas obkroži s svojimi spreminjajočimi se prostori, tempom, zvoki in svetlikanjem. Ta pulzirajoča energija nam pričara misterij, preizkuša naš razum, 'postavi nas na sceno', od koder lahko preverjamo naše zaznavanje, ki se spreminja znotraj časa in prostora. In vsaka naša vrnitev v izkušnjo vsakdana nam ponudi novo dimenzijo.
Prostor, v katerem se istočasno zavemo zvoka, svetlobe in vetra, nam sproži in vzpodbudi vprašanje vsakdanjega okolja. Nato se gledalec potopi v okolje, ki vabi k umiritvi: mir, tišina, kontemplacija in neskončne nianse svetlobe in teme, ki dajejo nov smisel v nasprotju z dinamiko vsakdanjega urbanega življenja.
Prikaz del iz zgodnjih štiridesetih in sedemdesetih nudi gledalcu možnost lastne izbire poti, po kateri vstopa, se giblje in izstopa iz galerijskih prostorov, obenem pa izkuša dela skozi zatopljenost in čutnost.
SCCA, Zavod za sodobno umetnost - Ljubljana organizira tečaj za kustose Svet umetnosti. Razstava Camera Lucida je sklepna razstava tečaja.
All the works gathered here under the theme Camera Lucida, the name for the instrment that uses the presence of light enabling the process of tracing and drawing an object, are dealing with light as the foundation of the visual. The artists who take part in the exhibition are of different generations, all of them coming from two neighbouring countries - Slovenia and Croatia.
While the artists use light, the video camera and digital sound this technology is not in and itself the subject of their art. they have the power of transformers. They lull us delightfully into tyeir force - fields: they offer wonder, challenge and change as they surround us in their shifting spaces, tempos, sounds and luminace - in their pulsing energy. Each of these works offers mystery, tests our common sence, and "places us in a scene" where we can feel our perceptions altering within the concentrated zone of space and time that they conjure. Inside each work we sence too how the world will feel different once we emerge to engage anew with everyday experience.
There is a self conscious space of sound, light and wind which stimulate our sensual engagement and ask a question about the nature of everyday enviroment. Then the viewer plunges in the enviroments that invite him to slow down: silence, contemplation, stilness and the infinite nuances of light and dark structure which assumes new import against the bright, relentness dynamism of the contemporary urban background.
The journeys even to the early 40- ties and early 70- ties are experienced at a level that is determined by the viewer' s own choice of the pace with which they enter, move through and exit the chambers of the gallery, experiencing the works through absorption and sensation.
SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts - organize course for curators of contemporary art 'Svet umetnosti' (World of Art). Exhibition Camera Lucida is final exhibition of the course.