sixth year: 2002/2003 series of lectures: lectures / conversations with lecturers / lecturers

course for curators of contemporary art: course participants / study excursions / program collaborators / exhibition



Mara Ambrožič (1981)
Student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, specializing in Decoration - projecting and forming exhibitions. From 2001 she has participated in the realization of several art projects in Italy, Greece and Slovenia. Since 2001 she is working within Passaporta art group. She lives and works in Koper and Venice.

Nina Gregorič (1979)
A graduate of the classical ballet course at the High School for Music and Ballet in Ljubljana. Completed her studies of the sociology of culture at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana where she is now in her final year of the history of art course.

Tolja Kanduč (1977)
Final year history of art student at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana.

Tomaž Kučer (1969)
Final year history of art student at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. Works in the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana.

Marko Pak (1971)
Organizer of cultural life and student of organizational sciences. Sculptor, painter, organizer of art exhibitions, critic and curator. Periodically publishes texts on visual art in magazines and newspapers. From 1998 he has participated in more than one hundred exhibiting projects. Amongst others, he was a co-author (with dr. Marina Gržinić) of the visual installation The Last Futurist Exhibition of Kazimir Malevich and The International Exhibition of Modern Art (Armory Show ) in frame of the project Fiction Reconstructed (Media Nox Gallery, Maribor, 2001), curator of the exhibition Photographs of contemporary Croatian artist Sven Stilinović (Media Nox Gallery, Maribor, 2003), as well as selector of works and author of art installation of the exhibition Allegory/Allegro non Troppo of contemporary Israeli photographer Boaz Tal (Media Nox Gallery and Photo Gallery Stolp, Maribor, 2003). From 2000 he cooperates with the Maribor Youth Cultural Centre where he also manages the Media Nox Gallery. He has participated at several group exhibitions.

Luka Sinković (1977)
Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice - in the class of professor Gaetan Mainenti. Exhibited in several solo and group exhibitions in Croatia and Italy. From 2001 collaborates with the Labin Municipal Gallery in art and technical installations of exhibitions and catalogue design.