seventh year: 2003/2004 seminar in writing: schedule / program collaborators

course for curators of contemporary art: course participants / study excursions / program collaborators / exhibition




Miško Šuvaković
Born in Belgrade. He received his Ph.D in 1993 at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade. He is Professor at the Faculty of Music Art. He teaches Art Theory at Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Arts. He teaches History and Theory of Contemporary Art as Guest Lecturer at the School of Architecture in Belgrade. He also teaches Performing Arts Theory as Guest Lecturer within the frame of the Philosophy and Theory of Visual Culture programme at the Faculty of Humanistic Studies in Koper. He was member of the conceptualist group 143 (1975-80) as well as member of the informal theoretical community "Community for Space Research " (1982-89). He participated in the editorial work on the magazines "Catalogue 143" (Belgrade, 1976-77), "Mental Space" (Belgrade, 1982-87), "Transcatalogue" (Novi Sad, 1995-98), "Walking Theory" (Belgrade, from 2001), the magazine "Difference" (Tuzla, 2002), "Sarajevo Notebooks" (Sarajevo, Zagreb, Belgrade, Ljubljana, 2005), "Art Look" (Warszaw, 2006). He is Honorary member of Slovenian Aesthetics Association. He has published the following books: Language Scenes (1989), Pas Tout (1994), Prolegomena for Analytical Aesthetics (1995), Postmodernism (1995), The Asymmetrical Other (1996), Aesthetics of Abstract Painting (1998), Glossary of Modern and Post-modern Visual Arts and Theory after 1950 (1999), Paragrams of body/figure (2001), Martek-Fatal Figures of Artist: Essays on 20th-Century Art and Culture in South-Eastern, Eastern and Central Europe through the work of Vlado Martek (2002), Impossible Histories - Historical Avant-gardes, Neo-avant-gardes, and Post-avant-gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991 (2003) etc.

Igor Zabel
Graduated in comparative literature and art history from the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana and in 1989 received a master's degree in comparative literature. He has worked as curator at the Ljubljana Museum of Modern Art since 1986. Igor has prepared numerous exhibitions and has collaborated as a professional associate and consultant on Slovene and international projects, to name a few: Inexplicable Presence. Curator's Working Place, Ljubljana, 1997; 33rd Zagreb Salon, Zagreb, 1998; and Manifesta 2, Luxembourg, 1998. He writes and publishes art and literary reviews and theory. Among other, he is the author of Vidiki minemalnega, Minimalizem v slovenski umetnosti 1968-1989/Aspects of Minimal, Minimalism in Slovene Art 1968-1989, the exhibition catalogue of Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, 1990; Vmesni prostor/The Space In-Between (Essays on the work of Emerik Bernard), Krt, Ljubljana, 1991; and Speculationes, Studia Humanitatis (Minora), Ljubljana, 1997. He is a co-ordinator for Manifesta 3. Lives and works in Ljubljana.

Zemira Alajbegović
She received her degree in Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana. From 1982 to 1988 she was leading member of multimedia group FV 112/15 and Disco FV. In the 80's, she co-founded the independent video production FV video. Between 1983 and 1989, she was member of the group Borghesia. In the 90's, she was active in the frame of the tandem ZANK (together with Neven Korda). She is author of numerous documentaries, music clips, dance videos, TV TV programmes on arts and culture and video films. Her latest works include the documentaries Between Four Walls and Time Slices that were presented at numerous international festivals, as well as the music clip Vortex. She is currently preparing a documentary film Invisible Territory on Marko Peljhan and a short film Quickly/Slowly. She collaborated on the project Videodocument and in the preparation of programmes on video art in Slovenia. She works as free-lance artist, director and journalist.

Barbara Borčič
Graduated with B.A. in art history from the Ljubljana Faculty of Arts. Since 2000 director of SCCA-Ljubljana, Center for Contemporary Arts.
Active in the field of contemporary arts as a free-lance curator, publicist and editor.
Member of AICA, International Association of Art Critics and IKT, International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art.
In frame of SCCA Borčić conceived and edited the documentation, archival and research project on video art in Slovenia under the title Videodokument. Video Art in Slovenia 1969-1998 (available also on She is also curating video programs under the title Videospotting and writing about video (in English: 'From Alternative Scene to Art Video', in Reader V2_East Meeting, No. 1, Rotterdam, 1996; 'Video Art from Conceptualism to Postmodernism', in Impossible Histories: Historical Avant-Gardes, Neo-Avant-Gardes, and Post-Avant-Gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991, MIT Press, Massachussetts, 2003). She was a project leader of curated web project Internet Portfolio, research projects What Is to Be Done with the Balkan Art and What Is to Be Done with the Audiovisual Archives, and editor of PlatformaSCCA magazine.
From 1980 on she worked in Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana and was the artistic director of the gallery 1982-1985. Between 1982 and 1992 she was involved in video practice in frame of 'Ljubljana alternative scene' and collaborated on several art and documentary video projects. 1991-1992 she was editor-in-chief of the fine arts magazine Likovne besede (Art Words).
From 1993 she was an assistant to the director, from 1997 the director of the Soros Center for Contemporary Arts - Ljubljana.

Boris Buden
He is philosopher, researcher and writer on art, culture and politics. Following his early career in Zagreb, he lives and works in Vienna since 1990. He was Editor of the Zagreb magazine Arkzin and is currently one of the editors of the Vienna magazine Springerin. He collaborated in numerous projects, including the platforms of Documenta 11 in Vienna, New Delhi and Kassel. He translated a number of books (including Freud, Helmut Dahmer.), published numerous texts (in various magazines including Croatian magazines Polet, Quorum, Feral Tribune.) and published three books (a collection of political and culturally critical essays Barricades in 1996, the expanded version Barricades 2 in 1997 and a book of essays of cultural and social critique The Kaptol Railway Station in 2001).

Ješa Denegri
Art critic and Professor of Contemporary Art in Belgrade, where he graduated at Superior Pedagogical School, and later on received his PhD at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. From 1965 to 1989 he was employed in the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade. He was member of Editorial Board of the magazines Art, Architecture-Urbanism and Spot as well as Editor-in-Chief of the magazine Moment. He organized numerous exhibitions and was curator for Yugoslavia at the Youth Biennial in Paris and the Venice Biennale.

Neven Korda
Studied Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana. From 1982 to 1989 he was the leading member of the theatre group FV 112/15, as well as the Disco FV and the band Borghesia, where he was in charge of the visuals and director of their video clips. In the 80's, he co-founded the independent production house FV Video that produced numerous artistic, music and documentary video projects. In the 90's, he continued his creation in the field of artistic video together with Zemira Alajbegović (ZANK) and also worked as video editor, author of TV programmes, director and executor. He is currently entirely dedicated to video: he is the head of independent Pure Video Practice. More at: