Saša Glavan
Studied History of Art at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. Between 1995 and 1997 she worked on the conception, organisation and co-ordination of educational programs at the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana. In 1996 and 1997 she was a project collaborator at the National Gallery Ljubljana. In 1997 she worked as assistant art director at the Škuc Gallery in Ljubljana. Since September 1997 she has been engaged as the program co-ordinator at the Soros Center for Contemporary Arts-Ljubljana, and since 2000 she is the assistant director of SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts-Ljubljana. She has published texts on contemporary art (art magazines M'ars, Flash Art, Umelec, catalogues of Gallery Škuc, Metelkova City,...), and given lectures on art and culture of the 90's as well as curated exhibitions on contemporary art (ARTileria Kluže, Slovenia, July 1999; ONUFRI 1999, December 1999, Tirana, Albania,...)
Alenka Pirman
Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana in 1989. From 1991 to 1992, she was the editor-in-chief of the M'zin magazine of contemporary culture and the Likovne besede art magazine. From 1991 to 1996, she was art director of the Škuc Gallery. Since May 1997, she has been assistant director of the Soros Center for Contemporary Arts - Ljubljana.
Lilijana Stepančič
Graduated in Economics, History of Art and Sociology from the University of Ljubljana. She worked as a curator and archivist at Obalne galerije Piran and later as a curator at the Ljubljana Museum of Modern Art. From 1993 to 1997, she was the director of the Soros Center for Contemporary Arts - Ljubljana.
Between 1997 and 2000 she was the director of the Open Society Institute-Slovenia. From 2001 onwards she is the director of the International Centre of Graphic Art in Ljubljana. She is also a member of numerous Slovene and international committees for contemporary art.
Igor Zabel
Graduated in comparative literature and art history from the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana and in 1989 received a master's degree in comparative literature. He has worked as curator at the Ljubljana Museum of Modern Art since 1986. Igor has prepared numerous exhibitions and has collaborated as a professional associate and consultant on Slovene and international projects, to name a few: Inexplicable Presence. Curator's Working Place, Ljubljana, 1997; 33rd Zagreb Salon, Zagreb, 1998; and Manifesta 2, Luxembourg, 1998. He writes and publishes art and literary reviews and theory. Among other, he is the author of Vidiki minemalnega, Minimalizem v slovenski umetnosti 1968-1989/Aspects of Minimal, Minimalism in Slovene Art 1968-1989, the exhibition catalogue of Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, 1990; Vmesni prostor/The Space In-Between (Essays on the work of Emerik Bernard), Krt, Ljubljana, 1991; and Speculationes, Studia Humanitatis (Minora), Ljubljana, 1997. He is a co-ordinator for Manifesta 3. Lives and works in Ljubljana.
Gregor Podnar
He graduated at the University of Cologne from History of Art, Ethnology and History of Eastern Europe. From 1993 onwards he works as a free-lance curator in Slovenia and abroad. Since 1996 he is the artistic director of the Škuc Gallery in Ljubljana ( Amongst others he was also the curator of the third U3 - the Triennale of Contemporary Slovene Art which was held in the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana in the year 2000.
Tadej Pogačar
Tadej Pogačar is artist, curator, writer and lecturer working in the field of contemporary visual and intermedia art. He is director of Center and Gallery P74 and director of the P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art.
He curated several exhibitions: 1999 - The Taste of City (with G. Podnar and I. Zabel, Gallery P74 and Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana; 2001 - Revisions. Painting 70+90, Gallery P74, Ljubljana; 2002 - Intermedia, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Celje.
From 1990 he participated as artist at important international and local exhibitions of contemporary art. Recently: 49. Venice Biennial; ZKM, Karlsruhe; Museo de Arte Carillo Gil, Mexico City; Central House of Artists. Moscow, B2, Lepzig; Jyvaeskylae Art Museum, Finland; Humboldt University, Berlin; and Museum Boijmans van Bojningen, Rotterdam (Manifesta 2). In Slovenia, he lately exhibited several times in Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, International Centre of Graphic Arts in Ljubljana, Gallery of Contemporary Art in Celje ... He got several prizes among them a prize for performance by Franklin Furnace Archive in New York in 2001.
Nevenka Šivavec
Nevenka Šivavec graduated from comparative literature and history of art at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. Since 1989 she has been employed at the Institute for Cultural Events in Celje and since 1995 she has become also a curator at the Gallery of Contemporary Art & Likovni salon gallery in Celje. In 1998 she received a scholarship from the American organisation ArtsLink, which she used to continue her studies at The School of the Art Institute in Chicago - course curatorial practices, in New York (April, May and June 2002) and Belfast (December 2002). She mainly deals with research and presentation of marginal, outsider artistic practices, which arise from the local environment and projects that actively include the local community.
Selected exhibitions: 2002 - Borut Hlupič Holland, The Gallery of Contemporary Art Celje; 2001 - The Town Of Celje 2, Phantasms of the Eighties, Likovni salon Gallery Celje; Male, (with Irena Čerčnik), The Gallery of Contemporary Art Celje, Likovni salon Gallery Celje; Unusual Pairs (Nebojša Šerič - Šoba & Narcis Kantardžič, Jože Barši & Radio Celje, Andreja Džakušič & Radivoj Mulić ?). 1999 - Art from the Rucksack, City Arts Gallery Limerick, Catalyst Arts Gallery Belfast; The Town of Celje, Alternative of the Seventies, Likovni salon Gallery Celje, Škuc Gallery Ljubljana.