Program World of Art
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Municipality of Ljubljana
Department for Culture and Research Activities
The Exhibition
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Municipality of Ljubljana - Department for Culture and research Activities
Gradis group G d.d.
Okolje Consulting d.o.o.
Makro 5 Gradnje d.o.o.
Program World of Art
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Municipality of Ljubljana
Department for Culture and Research Activities
The Exhibition
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Municipality of Ljubljana - Department for Culture and research Activities
Lush, Zagreb
Snaga, Ljubljana
Metropolis, Ljubljana
Krka, Novo mesto
Health centre Zagorje
Program World of Art
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Municipality of Ljubljana
Department for Culture and Research Activities
The Exhibition
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Municipality of Ljubljana - Department for Culture and research Activities
Royal Netherlands Embassy Ljubljana
Embasy of the United States
Okolje Consulting, Celje
Termoelektrarna Toplarna Ljubljana
Mb - Naklo
Kmetija Krošelj, Zdole
Program World of Art
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Municipality of Ljubljana
Department for Culture and Research Activities
The Exhibition
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Municipality of Ljubljana - Department for Culture and research Activities
Royal Netherlands Embassy Ljubljana
Embasy of the United States
Okolje Consulting, Celje
Termoelektrarna Toplarna Ljubljana
Mb - Naklo
Kmetija Krošelj, Zdole
Program World of Art
Ministry of Culture of Republic Slovenia
Peace Institute, Ljubljana
KulturKontakt Austria
ICAN (International Contemporary Arts Network), Amsterdam
The Exhibition
Municipity of Ljubljana
American Embassy in Ljubljana
Swiss Embassy in Ljubljana
Adria Airways Slovenski letalski prevoznik d.d.
OKNO d.o.o. Podjetje za vzdrževanje
Ljubljanske tržnice
M Servis
PCX- Computers
Goriška Brda
M Hotel
Program World of Art
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia,
Peace Institute, Ljubljana
KulturKontakt Austria
ICAN (International Contemporary Arts Network), Amsterdam
The Exhibition
Municipality of Ljubljana - Department for Culture and Research Activities
The Embassy of the United States of America in Ljubljana
The Embassy of the Swiss Confederation in Ljubljana (participation of Etoy)
Adria Airways National Airline of Slovenia
OKNO d.o.o. Podjetje za vzdrževanje
Ljubljanske tržnice
M Servis
PCX- Computers
Goriška Brda
M Hotel
Program World of Art
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Mondriaan Foundation
KulturKontakt Austria and program Cultural Link (OSI-Slovenia, OSF-Bosnia and Herzegovina, OSF for Albania and Stefan Batory Foundation Poland)
Mondriaan Foundation
The exhibition
Municipality of Ljubljana - Department for Culture and Research Activities
Program Cultural Link (OSI-Slovenia and OSF-Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Abanka d.d. Ljubljana
Program World of Art
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenija
Kulturkontakt Austria
The exhibition
Bons d.o.o.
Design Studio K
Domača pekarna RŽ
MK Knjigarna Konzorcij
magazine Top Secret
magazine Vroči Kaj
Salomonov oglasnik
Sexy torta
Slovenijavino (Gold Sekt)
Video Z (Ekstaza)
Venera Shop