Presentation of the course/ course participants / study excursions / program collaborators / exhibition /
co-workers and funders

YEAR 2002/2003

Mara Ambrožič
Student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, specializing in Decoration - projecting and forming exhibitions. From 2001 she has participated in the realization of several art projects in Italy, Greece and Slovenia. Since 2001 she is working within Passaporta art group. She lives and works in Koper and Venice.

Nina Gregorič (1979)
A graduate of the classical ballet course at the High School for Music and Ballet in Ljubljana. Completed her studies of the sociology of culture at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana where she is now in her final year of the history of art course.

Tolja Kanduč (1977)
Final year history of art student at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana.

Tomaž Kučer (1969)
Final year history of art student at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. Works in the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana.

Marko Pak (1971)
Organizer of cultural life and student of organizational sciences. Sculptor, painter, organizer of art exhibitions, critic and curator. Periodically publishes texts on visual art in magazines and newspapers. From 1998 he has participated in more than one hundred exhibiting projects. Amongst others, he was a co-author (with dr. Marina Gržinić) of the visual installation The Last Futurist Exhibition of Kazimir Malevich and The International Exhibition of Modern Art (Armory Show ) in frame of the project Fiction Reconstructed (Media Nox Gallery, Maribor, 2001), curator of the exhibition Photographs of contemporary Croatian artist Sven Stilinović (Media Nox Gallery, Maribor, 2003), as well as selector of works and author of art installation of the exhibition Allegory/Allegro non Troppo of contemporary Israeli photographer Boaz Tal (Media Nox Gallery and Photo Gallery Stolp, Maribor, 2003). From 2000 he cooperates with the Maribor Youth Cultural Centre where he also manages the Media Nox Gallery. He has participated at several group exhibitions.

Luka Sinković (1977)
Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice - in the class of professor Gaetan Mainenti. Exhibited in several solo and group exhibitions in Croatia and Italy. From 2001 collaborates with the Labin Municipal Gallery in art and technical installations of exhibitions and catalogue design.

YEAR 2001/2002

Dušan Dovč
Born 1973, student of the final year of Slovene Language and Comparative Literature student at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. Since 1997 he has been cooperating with art's magazine Emzin.

Jasna Jakšić
Born 1976 in Slavonski Brod, Croatia. After finishing her primary and secondary school in Zagreb she graduates from the Faculty of Arts - art history and italian languge writing her diploma, 'The Theory of Visual Poetry in Italian Neoavantgard' with her mentor prof. Mladen Machiedi. In 1995/96 she attends the Universita per stranieri in Perugia.

Jani Pirnat
Being student of the final year of Art History at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, he specialized as tehnical assistant installing exibitions and scenographies: Modern Gallery Ljubljana; U3 (2000), Ulf Rollof (Fir Tree Project, 1995), Gustav Gnamuš (2000), Fran Kraševec (1995). Scenes: Summer Festival Križanke Ljubljana (Tango d,Amor, 2001). Occasionaly he works as a guide in galleries and museums (Leonardo da Vinci, 2000, Andy Warhol, 2001)
During the course for curators, organized by SCCA Ljubljana and on request of Tadej Pogačar he carried out the photography exibition Tansparent Miths of Viktor Rebernak in Galery P74, Ljubljana 2001.
Registrated as unemployed.

Anton Starc
Graduated from the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, comperative literature and history of art. Between 1999 and 2001 he was working in National Museum pedagogical curatorial department. At the moment he is teaching art history at the grammar school in Črnomelj and working as curator in Belokranjski muzej, Metlika.

Maša Tomadini
Graduated from the Faculty of Arts, art history in Videm, Italy. Between 1993 - 1996 she took part in several projects of foreign film association Kinoatelje, Gorica. Since 1999 she has been creating her alternative image in Ljubljana.

Jadranka Veljič
After her studies of english and french literature at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana she teaches English at primary school in Ljubljana. Employed as a stewardess with Adria Airways, national airline of Slovenia and studying the history of art at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana.

Jaka Železnikar
At the Faculty of Arts at Ljubljana University he is finishing his studies of general linguistics and south slavic languages. He was involved in a scientific project FIDA and was the first editor of online edition of Mladina (one of the major slovene independent political and life style magazine). He regularly writes for Mladina on net art and other topics of contemporary art.
As the author he is active mostly as net artist. He regularly participates on international festivals and exhibitions of contemporary art. The venues include Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana and Institute of Contemporary Arts - ICA, London.
For last few years he is selector for net art at international art festival Break21.

YEAR 2000/2001

Alenka Gregorič (1976)
Is a final year History of Art student at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. In the years 2000 and 2001 she took part in the project in Belgrade and Sarajevo. She is the assistant art director at the Škuc Gallery.

Pavla Jarc (1971)
Graduated from History of Art at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. Currently employed as a curator in the Nova Gorica Municipal gallery. She occasionally also co-operates at the preparation of exhibitions in other exhibit spaces in the Goriško area.

Sandra Sajovic (1976)
Is a final year History of Art student at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. From 1995 onwards she is the assistant art director of the Kapelica Gallery in Ljubljana and she collaborates at the realisation of their projects. In 1999 she co-operated at the setting up of the exhibition of four Slovene artists within the frame of Sarajevo winter '99 (Bosnia) which took place at the Obala gallery.
At the same year she held a lecture at the international conference in Kiev, in 2001 she held a lecture at the 26th Salon of the young artists in Zagreb and at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade.

Meta Trampuš (1971)
Is a final year Journalism student at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana. In the period between 1995 and 1998 she worked as a reporter in the cultural redaction at TV Slovenia and in 1997 she co-funded ARTI (association for encouraging creativity) in Mala Loka. Within the frame of the international festival Break 21 - 4 she, together with Iztok Sotler, prepared the installation Night and Day. In 2001 she helped at setting up the Scan-line exhibition held at the Modern Gallery in Ljubljana. From 1998 onwards she also keeps archives of audio recordings from lectures in the field of contemporary art. Currently she is working as an editor of - a guide for artistic and cultural events in Slovenia at the leading Slovene electronic newspaper

Sonja Zavrtanik (1975)
Is a final year History of Art student at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. She co-operated at the preparation of the accompanying texts for the exhibitions organised by the club Druga stran from Nova Gorica. Currently she is the coordinator of the cultural program and the head of the gallery organised within the Nova Gorica student's club.

Simona Zorko (1972)
Graduated from History of Art at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. She is also a final year student of Sociology of Culture. Currently she is employed at the Božidar Jakac gallery in Kostanjevica on Krka.

YEAR 1999

Katja Ceglar (1970)
Graduated from History of Art and Sociology of Culture at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. She is employed as a curator in the Božidar Jakac gallery, in Kostanjevica na Krki. She occasionally co-operates at the preparation of exhibitions in the Krško gallery and publishes critiques of fine art exhibitions.

Barbara Savenc (1970)
Graduated from History of Art at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. In 1998 she co-operated with the preparation of the text on 15th Century painting for the lexicon published by Mladinska Knjiga and taught 19th and 20th Century art at the University for Third Life. Currently she is employed at the Institute for Civilisation and Culture.

Polona Tratnik (1976)
Graduated as a painter from the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana. In the year 1998/99 she organised a cycle of lectures on the theme of contemporary art. She publishes texts on contemporary art. She has represented herself at numerous group and individual exhibitions amongst others at: Salon of Youth, 1998, Zagreb; Festival of computer art 1998, Maribor; Youth Centre Gallery1999, Velenje.

Tanja Čajavec (1977)
Is a third year student of History of Art and Sociology of Culture at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. Within the frame of the Student's Club of the Celje region students and the youth centre Celje she operates as a co-ordinator of the cultural festival "Celje - city of youth 1999".

Viktor Rebernak (1967)
Graduated as a painter from the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana. He has presented himself at numerous group and individual exhibitions, amongst others also at: New achievements in contemporary art: Kirbiš, Purg, Gojkovič, Rebernak, 1993, Albin Lugarič Gallery, Ptuj; Prima Vista, 1995, UGM, Maribor; Break 21, 1998, Ljubljana, Kapelica Gallery, 1999, Ljubljana. He also publishes texts on contemporary art. Currently he is establishing a "Centre for visual art and human destruction - apartment" in Ptuj.

YEAR 1998

Urša Jurman (1973) is an undergraduate in art history and the sociology of culture at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. From 1995 to 1996, she participated in the preparations for three exhibitions at the ŠKUC Gallery. She was an assistant in the commercial exhibition Cash and Carry, co-curator of a group exhibition entitled Stvar dogovora/A Matter of Agreement in 1996 and assisted in the continuation of the Cash and Carry exhibition. She occasionally publishes reviews of art events on Radio Student.

Dunja Kukovec (1975) is an undergraduate of art history at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. She has worked as a tourist guide and assisted in the organisation of fashion shows and various conferences. In 1998, she was a Break 21 Festival selector. Dunja occasionally published reviews of art events.

Nataša Petrešin (1976) is an undergraduate of comparative literature and art history at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. She writes poetry and has had her poems published in Zofa, Mentor and Apokalipsa. She has participated in the organisation of Klub mladih/The Youth Club round-table discussions and exhibitions at the Cankarjev dom arts complex. Since 1997, she has written articles on contemporary art for the Nedelo weekly and Zofa. In 1998, Nataša led one of the architectural workshops organised within the framework of EASA 98 in Malta.

Bojana Piškur (1970) graduated in art history at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. She worked as a secondary school art history teacher for three years. In 1998, she was a selector at the international Break 21 Festival and assisted in the Body and the East exhibition organised by the Ljubljana Museum of Modern Art. Bojana is art director of the Alkatraz Gallery in the Metelkova arts complex.

Metka Vrečar (1969) graduated in art history from the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana in 1996. A year earlier she wrote for the Republika daily newspaper. Metka occasionally participates in the preparations for exhibitions mounted in the Krka Gallery. She is currently head of the art department at the Konzorcij bookshop.

Božidar Zrinski (1974) A student of art history at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, Božidar is a founding member of the Chair for Contemporary Art (Katedra za sodobno umetnost-KSU). He writes art reviews for Radio Marš, the Tribuna student newspaper, Zofa and the Večer newspaper. He has participated in the preparations for Klub mladih/The Youth Club exhibitions mounted at the Cankarjev dom cultural centre. Božidar is head of the art section of the MKZ Hoče society and art director of the MKZ Hoče exhibition programme.