Theories of Display
Stephen Bann (1942)
s an art historian and, since 1998, professor of contemporary cultural studies at the University of Kent. He has been guest professor at the Department of Art History at Baltimore University since 1996. He is a member of various editorial boards (History of Anthropology, Comparative Criticism and others). He has published several books of his own and has contributed to collections (Romanticism and the Rise of History, Twayne Publishers, New York, 1995; Interpreting Contemporary Art, Reaktion Books, London, 1991 and others).
Ute Meta Bauer (1958)
graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Hamburg and began working as an independent curator. Between 1990 and 1994, she was art director of Kulturhaus Stuttgart. She collaborates with the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art as a guest curator. Since 1996, she has been a professor and head of the Institute of Contemporary Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. She is a founder and editor of the international art magazine Meta and a member of the ICT (International Curators' Association).
Nadja Zgonik (1964)
received a PhD in 1997 from the Department of Art History at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. She is employed as an assistant professor of art history at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana. Nadja has sat on numerous juries and expert committees and prepared a number of exhibitions. Among these, for example, the Modra Roka / Wise Hand exhibition in 1997 and a major retrospective of the work of Živko I. Marušič in the Ljubljana Museum of Modern Art in 1998. She is also author of the book Marij Pregelj, Drawing to Painting.
Konstantin Akinsha
graduated in art history from the Moscow Institute of Art History. Between 1993 and 1997, he worked as a researcher at universities in Bremen, Nürnberg and Washington. In 1993, he was curator of the Angels over the Ukraine exhibition which was dedicated to contemporary Ukrainian art. In 1997, he prepared an exhibition entitled the Art of the Unofficial and a year later the Three Penny Exhibition which focused on contemporary art in Russia, Serbia and the Ukraine. Throughout this, he has worked as a lecturer and art critic. He has received many international accolades for his work.
Tadej Pogačar (1960)
graduated in art history and ethnology from the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana in 1984 and in 1988 completed studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana. In 1990, he founded the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Department of Geography. Three years later, Tadej also founded the Department of Historical Facts, Laboratorium and the Department of Anthropology. That same year he renamed the Museum to P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Arts.
Igor Zabel (1958)
Graduated in comparative literature and art history from the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana and in 1989 received a master's degree in comparative literature. He has worked as curator at the Ljubljana Museum of Modern Art since 1986. Igor has prepared numerous exhibitions and has collaborated as a professional associate and consultant on Slovene and international projects, to name a few: Inexplicable Presence. Curator's Working Place, Ljubljana, 1997; 33rd Zagreb Salon, Zagreb, 1998; and Manifesta 2, Luxembourg, 1998. He writes and publishes art and literary reviews and theory. Among other, he is the author of Vidiki minemalnega, Minimalizem v slovenski umetnosti 1968-1989/Aspects of Minimal, Minimalism in Slovene Art 1968-1989, the exhibition catalogue of Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, 1990; Vmesni prostor/The Space In-Between (Essays on the work of Emerik Bernard), Krt, Ljubljana, 1991; and Speculationes, Studia Humanitatis (Minora), Ljubljana, 1997. He is a co-ordinator for Manifesta 3. Lives and works in Ljubljana.
Vuk Ćosić (1966)
1991, Vuk graduated in archeology at the University of Beograd, Serbia,
and emigrated to Trieste, Italy, the same year. A year later, he moved to
Ljubljana and became involved in cultural management and cultural exchanges.
In 1995, he became a member of Ljudmila (Ljubljana Digital Media Lab), created
his first HTML works. He is a founding member of Nettime, syndicate and Very Cyber Indeed. In 1996, Vuk continued his activities with and web design and organised a conference entitled Per
Se. In 1997, he organised the Nettime conference Beauty and the East. His most important independent projects are at his own