Urša Jurman
is an undergraduate in art history and the sociology of culture at the
Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. From 1995 to 1996, she participated in the
preparations for three exhibitions at the ŠKUC Gallery. She was an assistant
in the commercial exhibition Cash and Carry, co-curator of a group exhibition
entitled Stvar dogovora/A Matter of Agreement in 1996 and assisted in
the continuation of the Cash and Carry exhibition. She occasionally publishes
reviews of art events on Radio Student.
Kukovec (1975) is an undergraduate of art history at the Faculty of
Arts in Ljubljana. She has worked as a tourist guide and assisted in the
organisation of fashion shows and various conferences. In 1998, she was
a Break 21 Festival selector. Dunja occasionally published reviews of
art events.
Petrešin (1976) is an undergraduate of comparative literature and
art history at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. She writes poetry and
has had her poems published in Zofa, Mentor and Apokalipsa. She has participated
in the organisation of Klub mladih/The Youth Club round-table discussions
and exhibitions at the Cankarjev dom arts complex. Since 1997, she has
written articles on contemporary art for the Nedelo weekly and Zofa. In
1998, Nataša led one of the architectural workshops organised within the
framework of EASA 98 in Malta.
Piškur (1970) graduated in art history at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana.
She worked as a secondary school art history teacher for three years.
In 1998, she was a selector at the international Break 21 Festival and
assisted in the Body and the East exhibition organised by the Ljubljana
Museum of Modern Art. Bojana is art director of the Alkatraz Gallery in
the Metelkova arts complex.
Vrečar (1969) graduated in art history from the Faculty of Arts in
Ljubljana in 1996. A year earlier she wrote for the Republika daily newspaper.
Metka occasionally participates in the preparations for exhibitions mounted
in the Krka Gallery. She is currently head of the art department at the
Konzorcij bookshop.
Zrinski (1974) A student of art history at the Faculty of Arts in
Ljubljana, Božidar is a founding member of the Chair for Contemporary
Art (Katedra za sodobno umetnost-KSU). He writes art reviews for Radio
Marš, the Tribuna student newspaper, Zofa and the Večer newspaper. He
has participated in the preparations for Klub mladih/The Youth Club exhibitions
mounted at the Cankarjev dom cultural centre. Božidar is head of the art
section of the MKZ Hoče society and art director of the MKZ Hoče exhibition