a series of lectures / conversations with the lecturers / lecturers


Every year we organise a series of public lectures on a specific theme. In 1997 six (Slovene and foreign) lecturers held lectures on Conceptual Art of 1960's and 1970's, in 1998 seven lecturers passed on their thoughts on the Theories of Display, in 1999 seven lecturers discussed Geo-Politics and Art and in 2000/2001 eleven lecturers held lectures on the Strategies of Presentation. In the fifth year (2001/2002) of the program five lectures on the theme Strategies of Presentation 2 took place with two more planned for October 2002.

The lectures are held in Ljubljana in the Škuc Gallery or Kapelica Gallery and are free of charge. In 1999 the lectures were also repeated in the Gallery of Contemporary Art in Celje, and in the year 2000/2001 they were partially repeated in the Municipal Gallery Nova Gorica, with which we continue to operate also in the year 2002.

The lectures and (since 1998) the conversations with the lecturers - performed by our long-time associate, Eda Čufer, which present the lecturers in a broader context of their activities and endeavours - are published every year in the World of Art Anthology.


Sixth year: 2002/2003

Donatella Ruttar, Moreno Miorelli: Stazione di Topolo
Anne Cartel, David Dronet: Multimedia cultural centre Station Mir
Daniel Jewesbury: Scopo
Škart: Pesme koje su pobegle
(Considering the specifics of the contribution (poetry) we are publishing it in its original language)
Nevenka Šivavec: The Lure of the Local
Tadej Pogačar: This Is What You Want ... This Is What You Get


Fifth year: 2001/2002

Boris Buden: Art as a Political Intervention: The Austrian Case
Charles Esche: The possibility forum - institutional change and modest proposals
Ivana Keser: Author's Newspaper: The Freedom of Misinformation
Viktor Misiano: Strategies of Exhibiting from Modernisation towards

What & How & for Whom: In Between: Independence and the Lures of Institutionalisation
Jurij Krpan: The Kapelica Case


Fourth year: 2000/2001

Clémentine Deliss: Metronom: Curatorial Practice and Research beyond Exhibitions
Branislav Dimitrijević: The Grand Compromise: On Examples of the Use of Political References in Serbian Art of the 90's, and its Historical Background
Eurovision 2000 (Marion von Osten, Peter Spillman in Susanna Perin): EuroVision of the World of Art
Mike Hentz: Translation
Marko Košnik: Abstraction and Action
Oliver Marchart: Political Strategies as Artistic Strategies: The Use of Multiple Names
Olesya Turkina: St. Petersburg's Neo-academism. Revival of the Great Story
Miha Zadnikar: Restructuring Subculture


Third year: 1999

Charles Harrison: The merits of Incompetence
Edi Muka: Permanent Instability
Jaroslav Andel: Art's Shifting Grounds: The Case of Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic
Dušan Rutar: Digital Aesthetics, Global Images and Ethics of New Tribalism
Marko Peljhan: Strategies of Minimal Resistance - Analysis of Tactical Work in the Surveillance Society
Borut Vogelnik: The privatisation of time
Călin Dan: Geography of Doom. An Estimate of Possibilities


Second year: 1998

Stephen Bann: Display Across the Ages
Ute Meta Bauer: Do-It-Yourself: Exhibitions by Artists during the 20th Century
Nadja Zgonik: The Role of National Identity Research in Theories of Display in Slovenia: Between Past and Present
Konstantin Akinsha: Notes on the Underground
Tadej Pogačar: P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art and New Parasitism
Igor Zabel: Exhibition Strategies in the Nineties: A Few Examples from Slovenia
Vuk Ćosić: Net.Art, the Text